Waking up this morning to my social media full of the AFA contest series returning to California. Congratulations to Jean William Prevost who took first place followed by Matthias Dandois and Nor Cal flatland legend Pete Brandt rounding out the podium. Ed Jolie took the win in Expert, Robert Castillo took the Olds Cool class and Alex Lim first place in Novice. Great to see a flatland event return to its home, California with the Chairman, Martin Aparijo handing out the trophies.
Novice Class
1. Alex Lim
2. Ken Kitley
3. Coda McGraw
4. Derek Chamberlin
5. Ace De Chef
Old’s Cool
1. Robert Castillo
2. Dan Hubbard
3. Gary Knecht
4. Jorge Luziaga
5. Lance Lyons
6. Tricky Styler
7. Robert Reilly
8. J.P. Maksimo
9. Gary Clark
10. Shawn White
11. Dan Hull
12. Anthony Yourgulez
Expert Class
1. Ed Jodie
2. Trevor Watring
3. Jason Rideout
4. Sean Porter
5. Taz Deville
Pro Class
1. Jean William Prevóst
2. Matthias Dandois
3. Pete Brandt
4. Austin Luberda
5. Will Redd
6. James McGraw
7. Bobby Burge
8. Art Thomason
9. Ruben Castillo
10. Gabe Weed
11. Frank Ruiz
12. Nikola Olic
13. Bryan Huffman
14. Dave Nourie
15. Todd Carter
16. Koit McIntyre
Was a great turn out!!! I received the recognition award at this round and received a special gift from Matthias. His championship frame, fork, and stem. My mind is blown away! This is why I ride Flatland!