Must Watch! Quentin Pelorson – BMX Seeking / Part 3

We didn’t have to wait long for the Quentin Pelorson’s Seeking Part 3 edit following his short trailer earlier in the week.
From the opening downside whiplash pedal 5 stepped beautifully into x-ft halfpacker, this edit really caught my attention. Quite possibly my favourite line is at the 1:13 mark, I’ve already rewinded this part twice to work out what happened, I could go on and on here. Let’s instead discuss this amazing edit in the comments section. Thank you Quentin for this, flatland just went up a notch!

33 thoughts on “Must Watch! Quentin Pelorson – BMX Seeking / Part 3

  1. Can’t believe that none of that is tripod and it’s all pulled so cleanly. You have a very patient friend!!! Nice work, both of you!

  2. in·spi·ra·tion
    -the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

  3. MOTH——RF__++++*******KR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OPPY downside lash/ STEP OVER to right PEDAL five , he steps over , you THINK he stepping to a left freak squeak-switch to cross left tomahawk …………BUT NOPE ………………..This FLAT-TECHNICIAN turbines/brings that leg over/ leans inside to a X-LEG side packer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s just the FIRST line !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man Ive been STOKED on his tech-lines before ……………..but NOW I’m estatic !!!!!! I NEED to watch/scan this edit MULTIPLE times !!!!!!!

  4. BACKWARDS SPINNING crack/ reach BEHIND/ SWITCH the bike…………..AND JUMP UP and OUT to SPINNING right foot PEDAL K -drop down to spinning hang ten/ grab bar-SWITCH the bike AGAIN to X-LEG spinning crack !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TECH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEIIIIIIIIAAAAAACK !!!!!!!!!

  5. Over a year since this video was released. After all the praises from pro riders from all over the world this might not mean a lot, but your edits are still incredibly motivating to watch! Just getting back into flat after some months off the bike, and this stuff is just too good!

    Keep ripping it up Quentin!

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