Paul Chamberlain – Whitney and I

Whitney and I from Paul Chamberlain on Vimeo.

“Paul Chamberlain S&M Intrikat rider makes a BMX tribute to Whitney Houston who died yesterday in currently unknown circumstances at the age of 48. I was inspired by Ammon Chesworth and Lust Fang to use this song. It means a lot to me as it brings back a lot of memories of growing up rollerskating. All filmed in Australia. Mostly in Sydney. A mix of me riding flatland and street. This is how I roll. Featuring Mick Bayzand, Shaun Jarvis, Billy Brooks and my wife Jen Allison.”

9 thoughts on “Paul Chamberlain – Whitney and I

  1. Hey guys,

    It was a bit of a rushed thing. I just figured I’d put most of my footage out there yesterday.

    @Brian: The flatland stuff I want to film isn’t 100% ready yet. I work on it Monday to Thursday and then try and get some clips at the weekend but it hasn’t worked out yet. I could put 4 pegs on and do some combos but I don’t want to give up on 2 pegs flatland until I’m 100% sure that it isn’t going anywhere for me.


  2. this is what freestyle’s all about -someone doing what they want and enjoying it! R.I.P. Whitney , such a shame that talent/fame and money cant always keep you happy

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