14 thoughts on “Percy Marshall – Jumped by 3 Gangsters

  1. “RESPECT”? They even gave him his camera and picked his bike up for him. What part of the game is that?! Totally mislabeled video.

  2. STOP CALLING THOSE KIDS GANGSTERS! He was never in any REAL danger, bitch-ass kids! What kind of world is this when one white kid can’t get harassed by three hood rats? They should’ve caught a beating for perpetrating.

  3. Gangsters my arse hahaha the Krays were gangsters Al Capone was a gangster he ran Chicago for gods sake John Gotti was a gangster these are just Mexicans who think they are hard not gangsters haha

  4. Gangsters my arse hahaha the Krays were gangsters Al Capone was a gangster he ran Chicago for gods sake John Gotti was a gangster these are just dickheads who think they are hard not gangsters haha what are they doing hanging around bus stations at night going on about respect and harassing people GET A LIFE so hard in a group 3 against one pussies

  5. Hahahaha!! Those are NOT Gangsters & Percy did NOT get jumped!! If He’d been jumped, He’d be in Hospital! Getting jumped is a slang term & it basically means getting jumped on! Stamped on I.E Beaten Up! Sketchy as fuck situation for sure, but they were just 3 idiots causing shit! They grabbed His Bike & GAVE IT TO HIM & then grabbed His Camera & GAVE IT TO HIM!! Gangsters well Hoodrats with no honour would have left Him for dead, probably cut/stabbed Him & STOLEN His Bike & Camera! Percy did well to talk them down from doing something stupid. The way they switched from being ultra tough to being polite & helpful makes Me think they’re just pussies! Tried to intimidate a grown man on a BMX & when He didn’t back down, get angry/defensive & calmly talked to them, My guess is because He didn’t run or act terrified etc, they didn’t start shit because they’re pussies & realised He wasn’t intimidated by them.

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