10 thoughts on “The 2015 Nora Cup Nominees are…

  1. “Anyone that pulls off the hardest move ever deserves it.”

    Except that “hardest move” is a subjective opinion. Front wheel riders look at ultra-complex back wheel stuff (ucchie) and think its impossible, and back wheel riders watch alex jumelin and think some of his stuff is impossible….its all very relative.

    I think whats more important is: Who has shown outstanding amount of personal progression and has pushed the sport? Derbowka, as mind blowing as his no handed whiplashes were, was only a single switch. He pushed the realm of that trick and deserves the upmost props for it. But Yull pushed the boundaries of the decade in many many new ways, doing many things no one has ever done before. I think Jason Forde is a good example with rollaids, though lacking in variety like yull.

    My humble opinion why yull is more deserving than derbowka.

    It would help if NORA had a defined objective in writing, all of this is very subjective.

  2. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS BIG E AND FOOT PRINTS IN THE EXTRA SOCERY , WIZARDRY JAFFA WHIP WITH EXTRA TERRA MOCHA CREAM !!!!!!!!!! I don’t have a facebook yet…………….Im behind in times !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Ride a 97 FRAME e.p. , still watch V.H.S tapes , one piece cranks , a flip phone , and still eat CAPTAIN CRUNCH cereal , HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA , buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I WILL have a facebook soon !! maybe sometime this week just to communicate with riders !!!!!!! Im excited !!!!! I ll MR.CICMAN !!!!!! THANKS AGAIN !!!!!! On another note…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. CHRIS WOODLING !!!!!!! PLEASE MORE VIDEOS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Honest when I saw the Nora cup before nominees where listed JWP was only rider come to mind, who in all aspect has had a killer year, Real city, Igi, selflessness, podiums, giving back in general.
    Other riders have had tricks, progression, Yull and debowka
    Viki drops many bangers, matthias doing the usall.
    If its awarded on riding aspects those guys might have it.
    But if it extends past just riding, into attitude and involvement, Dubs efforts deserve to be recognized.

    What is the criteria?
    Is it solely based on riding?

  4. When you say “stuff” in your first paragraph Sean are you referring to combos or links of moves? It sounds like it. If you re-read my post you’ll see that what I am talking about is not the same thing. I apologize for the confusion I created with my two sentence post.

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