For all of those in the know, Ryoji Yamamoto was one of the most influential flatlanders in the world during the early 2000’s. Every so often, a classic slips people by and I feel this is what happened with this Dragonfly Changes DVD. I remember when this DVD dropped hitting the rewind button repeatedly on this section.
The filming, the music, the vibe and of course Ryoji’s groundbreaking riding is something you don’t want to miss.
It’s been a minute since a classic Monday’s feature, so let’s start this back up with a belter!
Whoah, never seen this before. This is so good!
Same for me, for some reasons I have missed this video. I really like his style and the level is so high! I always wondered why his riding at this time was not well documented. I remember him riding in Cologne in 2000 when he was very innovative, but two years later he was from another planet! Such a huge progression from him in these years!
This dude and Mike S. What a mean pair to have on your team! Dragonfly really had it goin on then. This is from what I consider the golden era of flat evolution, when the pumping rolling style was being blended with all the tech brake and foot work. Michael Sommner(please forgive the misspelling of his name) from Austria also comes to mind for me when thinking about the dopeness of that time period’s riding.
His riding really deserves to be kept alive. Some excellent lines there.