Hard to believe this Groundtactics entry from Moto Sasaki is almost three years old already! Moto set a new standard with this 3 minute combo with all this hardest switches, absolutely insane endurance and bike control to pull this off! Well worth watching back again!
groundbreaking rider!
Interested to see what he drops this year for the WC series…
Hardest Combo Worldwide…
Amazing! His endurance is off the charts! This is one of the most inspiring videos I’ve ever seen.
Just totally collapses at the end, just mind blowing! Best of the best!
Well worth watching again! You can see his relief!
first time i saw this i couldnt believe it, second time even better, imagine if he dropped that in a comp! that would shit a few people up
Has there ever actually been a more difficult complete combo ever pulled in flatland? I think I’ve seen just about every riding video ever made and nothing even comes close to what Moto pulls there.
@TJ yes im on the same boat kinda on the video watching. And yes this is TOP of the list of best combos ever done in the world recorded!!!
I agree, this must be the hardest combo ever. Which would be on second place?
For sure this will be remembered as a pivotal moment in years to come within the history of flatland riding. Just incredible. What will be interesting is how long till someone tops it?
the fact that there’s a xft 1/2 pack in there only adds to the ridiculousness of what he did
Totally agree Jody!
Gold bars bizhouse pegs-Moto was so beast!!
what? I just did that combo yesterday as my warm up..lol