Steady Focus Media were on hand for this years York jam, and did a great job capturing the vibe from this legendary event. Soak up the York jam vibes right here!
Steady Focus Media were on hand for this years York jam, and did a great job capturing the vibe from this legendary event. Soak up the York jam vibes right here!
Loved the editing. You can feel the vibes! The 30 years of dorkin documentary is great as well. Really good interviews and history in it. Steady focus brings it in these. York would be such an epic event to attend. Rad stuff.
Will Redd had a DOUBLE hip replacement not long ago…………read that statement again….. and look at the lines that he’s pulling throughout this edit . Will rules , a top tier rider in the history of BMX Flatland . This was a rad edit . Everyone busting out on their bikes , cool vides , etc ……seems like this mecca of a gathering in York is the epitome of enlightenment for BMX Flatland riders across the globe . Cicman bringing his 2027 rolling creation to York is the ultimate give back to the Plywood Hoods …..stoked on the entire edit…..