Bruno Zebu wins Battle in the Rockies

It’s been a busy weekend of contests across the globe. Congratulations to Bruno Zebu from Brazil who won the annual Battle in the Rockies in Colorado Springs, USA, followed by Will Redd and James McGraw. I already posted the AFA Overall year end rankings for the top three so you can see those in one of the previous posts. Super hard to keep up to date on everything going on over here in China. But some decent wifi at the UCI host hotel here in Chengdu is definitely helping.

1. Bruno Bacchiegga
2. Will Redd
3. James McGraw
4. Ederson Ferreira
5. Jean Francois Boulianne
6. Art Thomason
7. Mates Tucek
8. Austin Luberda
9. Brian Gavagan
10. Ed Jodie
11. Bryan Huffman
12. Nikola Olic
13. Todd Carter

1. Ed Jodie
2. Tony Schneidewind
3. Rich Upjohn
4. Sean Porter
5. Jason Rideout
6. Ronald Monis
7. Andrew Wickham
8. David McDuffie

Old’s Cool
1. Lance Lyons
2. Kendra Nalls
3. Bertrand Williams
4. Lincoln Harberger
5. Dan Hull
6. Robert Reilly
7. Matt L. Clark
8. Todd MacMahon
9. Todd Shoemaker

Beginner Class
1. Kim Klisiak
2. Bri Welch
3. Coda McGraw
4. Ava McGraw

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