Welcome back to episode 3 of how to BMX flatland. A change of location for this episode, I am out in Monument, Colorado and today I am teaching you how to do the infinity roll.
The infinity roll is a trick that I first learnt back when I was 10 years old, I am now 44 years old. The infinity roll is an entry level scuffing trick, useful to learn and will eventually help you combine tricks together.
The technique for the infinity roll is relatively simple, here are some useful steps below:
1. Begin with a foot jam with your left foot on the left back pegs. Applying pressure to your right foot when you “foot jam”, get a little end to gain little speed for the infinity roll.
2. Learn to foot jam and rollback (as shown on the video).
3. Once you have step 2, keep your wheel locked in a position that would make your bike rotate in a circle. Using your left foot on the left back peg and your right foot on tyre kicking the wheel backwards (known as “scufffing”.)
* Scuffing essentially acts as brake on the tyre, so you don’t need to touch the brakes on this trick.
4. Get the scuffing part of this trick down and try to rotate in circles as many times as possible, hence the infinity roll name.
5. To ride out, slow down your scuffing and aim for the right pedal and try to keep your body weight over the bike and ride away. Refer to the video for a reference.
This is relatively more of a simple how to than episode 2, one you learn the scuffing technique and get used to licking your bars in a circular motion you will be good to go on this trick.
Good luck with the infinity roll!
Thanks to Mates Tucek for filming.