Yesterday was by far the most productive day of the trip so far for me personally, fresh back from the One Love Jam. It was time, to start working on new tricks and try to capture clips for an edit I am working. Pete had the day off work, and it was a nice day in SF. That only means one thing, Clocktower!
Right from the off, Pete was smashing the Clocktower a new one. I got my fix of tea from across the road ay Starbucks and started chasing clips. Half hour into the session I bagged one, then Pete pulled his straight bar steam bar varial to pedal steam line, and the session started going off! I got inspired by Pete’s turbine hikers and started working on them again.
After about ten minutes I started to get into them and figured out how to get speed out of the turbine hikers without pumping. Once the technique was there, I got an idea that I have never thought of before, and an hour later the line I wanted was captured with around 10% left on the phone battery. To say I was stoked was an understatement, it’s absolutely amazing to get to ride with someone like Pete on the daily, and both go after tricks. That feeling when you get something new and see Pete get his will never get old to me.
This was the best session I have had yet at the clocktower, today it’s raining so its a forced chill day for me. The forecast looks good for tomorrow, so I cant wait to be out there again nd chase a few more clips, super stoked to be progressing again after a month off with this knee injury. The KT tape I am using on my knee is working much better than the knee support I was previously using. We ended up the day with a couple of beers, and hung out with the SF Skater locals and called it a day. What a day, everything I love about flatland happened in 24 hours. Absolutely buzzing, and still a few days left of my trip out here…