As voting closes for the 2024 Flatmattersonline Year end Awards this Sunday, 12th January.
Here is one for the last minute voters, some possible contenders for Line of the Year, theres no way I can include everyone…

Thanks to everyone who has voted so far.

Congratulations to everyone who made the contenders edit.



“To document, share and progress”, the mission statement if you like of Flatmattrsonline has remained consistent since FM’s birth in 2008. As I wondered what I can produce to celebrate our 16th anniversary, I asked around a few friends as I always do for some feedback. One of the ideas was to showcase 16 highlights throughout the years, that idea stuck in my head for a few days before I started going through the archives and thinking this had a nice feel to it.
I enjoyed going through content I had forgotten about, and I thought you at home would do also.

It’s hard to fathom its been 16 years being Flatmatters, I appreciate all the support I have been receiving especially recently. It seems as I am pretty much the only consistent the only flatland website, riders seem to appreciate the work that goes into running the site much more.

It would be interesting to hear back from you at home, what are some of your most memorable moments?

*The actual anniversary was Saturday 30th November, which I missed being at work all day.

I’ve added website links and videos as well for a reference for you all.
Here we I go! Thank you Flatland for 16 amazing years!

Flatmattersonline To document, share and progress!!


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DISCUSSION POINT: Is Flatland an Artform or a Sport?

Watching George Mano’s last video part “Adapa”, I thought to myself shall I ask the flatland community on the FM IG. Is flatland an artform or sport? The response was amazing, and I definitely wasn’t expecting George to write about in on his FB account, and just like that a new DISCUSSION POINT section is born here on Flatmattersonline. Over to George, let us know what you think in the comments. Love how this happened, so organically. Thank you to George for sharing his thoughts with us…

Text & Photos: George Manos.

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Repo: Effraim.
Photography: Effraim, Thaddeus Schau.
Videos: Brant Moore.

Bit late with getting this repo up on the site, after a very busy summer. I finally have some time for myself to return to riding and updating the site regularly. Hope you all enjoy this one!

As I boarded my first flight home from the FA Battleground contest, I planned to start writing a report on the event for the site. Then, over the tannoy, we were told that we were unable to land in Chicago because of a thunderstorm. Off to Indianapolis we went, to wait until we could land in Chicago. I thought to myself, was this trip all worth it? The flight home was already delayed by twenty-four hours, and now was going to be even longer.
The Battleground contest had a real family community vibe that we really need right now. As this event clashed with the Olympics, I thought to myself, what do we really need to help the sport grow? More events? More jams? Better communication between riders? What is it that holds us back?

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Fise World 2024: Back Wheel Assassins

In between full days judging all the classes at Fise World 2024, I managed to get a few combos from some of the riders, time was pretty limited so this one is short and sweet. As it turns out, they are all Back Wheel Assassins! Enjoy!


Yohei Uchino.
Naoto Tamaru.
Yu Katagiri.
Jean William Prevost.


As contest season is about to get in full flow, with the Fire World event in Montpellier, France this weekend. I remembered I had a load of clips from the UCI World Championships in Glasgow last summer that I need to get off my phone. Enjoy this one!

Sietse Van Berkel.
Matti Hemmings.
Dan Hennig.
Dez Maarsen.
Moto Sasaki.
Jean William Prevost.
William Perez.
Joris Bretagnolles.
Alberto Moya.
Terry Adams.
Matt Wilhelm.
Kio Haykawa.
Bruno Zebu.

Music: Ivan Shopov & Valance Drakes.

Repo: Sportszone Hungarian Cup Round 1

Text & photos: Rob Alton.

On April 20th, the new building of Sport Zone SE hosted this year’s first Round of the Hungarian FlatlandCup. As usual, this year competitors rode in the Junior B, Junior, Girls, Master, Elite men’s, Elite women’s and Open categories. We created the Junior B category for those who started cycling not long ago, but love it!

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BIKECHECK: Naoto Tamaru / We The People Utopia 20″

Who doesn’t love a bike check? I’m always curious about people’s set ups, and what you can bring to your own set up. With the help of David Paterson over at We the People HQ, today we are able to bring this exclusive feature on Naoto Tamaru’s new WTP Utopia ride, and his new signature parts which have some interesting tweaks, let’s get into it!

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Throwback Thursdays: Ciaran Perry Interview

Lots of people messaging me about Ciaran Perry’s riding, and I dug back to my interview with him from 2009, his riding to this day is still relevant. Enjoy this one if you missed it the first time from the FM blogspot days….

intro/interview: EC

Ciaran Perry is the first of the ‘isolated’ interviews for my blog, it’s great that in a country as small as ours, there’s still amazing riders that I haven’t ever met yet. Throughout the UK and no doubt every other country in the world, there are pockets of riders or individual riders that help push the artform forward at their own speed, not inspired by trends, but their own personal aspirations.
Ciaran’s 23 years old, and lives in the South west of England, in Taunton. Not too far from where the NASS event happens.
No doubt many of you have seen Ciaran’s videos on global flat, Vimeo, you tube, if you haven’t theres a few videos within this two part interview, an awesome rider, with a real creative flair. Read on.

Your quite far removed from the rest of the UK flat scene, how did you get into riding? I’m always interested how riders get exposed to flat?
Well I used to skate for 3 years + before flat and was first exposed to flat at I believe the first ever NASS. Phil Dolan was doing a show with GT, I remember being massively intrigued by what was going on, it just looked so different and so fresh. I think even then I percieved it as being super creative and pretty much limitless ironically as a skater I was full into flatland skating but without the influence. I never knew who Rodney Mullen was or even saw flatland skating till pretty much after I had finished with it, it was just my natural style, so it was transitional to move to flatland. It was the perfect sport, my love for bikes and the creativity I enjoyed in skating all came to one with flatland. So yeah, Phil Dolan and the first issue of Ride (UK) I ever owned, which again had a Phil Dolan interview and Jimmy (Petitet) and Alex (Jumelin) interview in were my first exposures to flatland.

That shows the importance of flatland being in the magazines really, and also flatland in contests, that also really proves worthwhile when something I was involved in inspired somebody to get into flatland. Now your into flatland and fully involved, I guess you don’t miss the magazine coverage and everything has moved online pretty much? What’s your standpoint on lack of flatland in the magazines?
I can’t really say I was ever much of a magazine buyer anyway, they were more like if I happen to be going past smiths I’ll have a look to see if there’s anything worth purchasing, so for me whether flatland is in magazines or not is no direct concern, but now we are all online I think it’s positive for a number of reasons.
Firstly its easier to reach a broader audience online which is clearly a big thing, its also free online to both access and create so the concerns of covering costs aren’t so great, but also outside of that, the internet is fast and everyone now is contributing like a family, if some jam comes down you can guarantee someone was there and will be reporting it online within a day and then it will be talked about and to be honest the only negative I can ever see is the lack of quality in online videos compared to professional DVD work from Bobby and Chad, etc, but I think slowly that’s improving also.
At the end of the day flatlanders aren’t film makers so they just want to see the riding, which is a shame because the art of film making and presentation is important to. The end of magazines isn’t a negative though, it’s merely a focus shift to a more accessible online format, it’s basically made the most underground riders able to show off their stuff if they want to.

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Thailand Trip by Sietse Van Berkel

Text: Sietse. Photos: Schogn, and Sietse.
Love this shot of Sietse mid pivot switch foot steam captured on a night session.

My plan is to go to Japan for Flatark in December 2023 and Chimera A-Side in January 2024. There is a 2.5-week gap between the events, and I have decided to stay in Asia during that time. I need some sun, to get away from the Netherlands, and time for myself after a challenging period. I quickly decide on Thailand: curious about the culture, food, nature, and I think it’s easily accessible for the relatively short duration. I know Toon from various events in the past years, and I message him that I will be in Thailand during that period. Off we go!

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