2 thoughts on “Chimera A-Side: Kumamoto 2024

  1. Thank you , Thiago and you , Big -E ! for this post. I love raw/ uncut contest footage . This one was so dope. Loads of superb lines by all riders. Thiago , mad respect to you on your own riding , too. All this video footage is a win for this site and your Youtube channel , Thiago….. is a win for having all the classic BMX flatland videos that were ,and are still so awesome to watch today in 2024. Thank you ! Ryo Katagiri with his back wheel flow ( the longest lines in this contest footage ! ) was the clencher for me watching this event….

    • Thanks Rodney. Love the raw, uncut footage. You can always find some gems that are left cut out on the editing room floor as they say.

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