2023 Flatmattersonline Year End Award Nominees Announced!

Hello everyone!

It’s time to announce the nominees for the 2023 Flatmattersonline Year End Awards in Reader Choice (You at Home) and Editorial Vote (Me at FM HQ!). Congratulations to everyone who got nominated, and thank you to everyone who took the time to vote.

– Effraim.


Julien Baran
Yu Katagiri
Jean William Prevost
Yu Shoji
Kio Hayakawa

Jean William Prevost: Comes in waves
Dane Beardsley: About Time
James White: White Noise
Sebastian Grubinger: Finale
Viki Gomez: 20 Years on red bull

Carin Hommura
Aude Cassagne
Jeanne Signeur
Louise Signeur
Leticia Moda

Yu Shoji: Uci Glasgow final
Kio Hayakawa: Chimera Round 3 final
Yu Katagiri: X Games final
Yu Katagiri: Flatark
Jean William Prevost: Huffjam

Dane Beardsley: Last trick in About Time.
Yu Katagiri: Flatark Best Trick.
Kio Hayakawa: Xft upside pedalling Uci Glasgow semi final.
Yu Shoji: Crack jump to Saturn spin.
Takato Moriya: Backwards pedal junkyard full flip line.


James White
Jean William Prevost
Yu Katagiri
Yu Shoji
Kio Hayakawa

James White: White Noise
Jean William Prevost: Comes in Waves
Sebastian Grubinger: Finale
Takahiro Enoki: Heresy
Dane Beardsley: About Time

* To be announced next Sunday.

Yu Shoji
Ren Oshima
Jijejije Bmx
Takuji Izumi
Takatora Hishkawa

Heresy BMX
Four Pegs BMX
Ares Bykes
Nous BMX

*The 2023 Flatmattersonline Year End Award winners will be announced next Sunday (28th January).

Decade of Flatland: 2010/2020 / Part 2

Intro/Questions: Effraim.
Photos: Pierre Gauthier, Matti Hemmings & Mizo.

Part 1 of my Decade on Flatland piece caused quite a stir amongst the flatland community. It is healthy to hear the opinions of how are art form/sport progressed over the last ten years. In my mind, it’s thought provoking, and gets you thinking about your own personal riding. In Part 2, I fire the same questions as Part 1 to X-foot pivot master Bruno Zebu, Mr Same Thing Daily himself, Dane Beardsley, and Sam Foakes, who has discarded the traditional pumping mid-trick technique for pretty much the last decade. The opinions contrast from Part 1, once again grab a cuppa and treat yourself. I am really enjoying putting these articles together, hope you enjoy reading them.

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Repo: The One Love Jam

Text: Effraim.
Photos: EC, Juan Lopez.

Around mid-day Friday, myself and Pete set off for the long drive to Los Angeles for the 10th anniversary of the One Love Jam in Newport Beach, California. We met up with Dylan Worsley about an hour out of SF, and travelled down with Dylan. Like last year, we stayed about an hour outside of Newport Beach, in Corona at Robert Castillo’s house. Friday was a full day of travelling, and when we arrived full party mode was in full effect, we were greeted by Robert, his wife Stephanie, Ruben, EZ Chris, and Bill Nitschke.

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The 2019 Flatmattersonline Year End Award Winners Announced!

It’s about that time where I announce the winners for the 2019 Flatmattersonline Year End Awards, both in editorial and reader categories!!!

The awards are now in their sixth year, and this year was noticeable to see the efforts of many of you to get in the mix for edit of year as the deadline drew closer. That in itself felt like a win win situation for us all….

This really is a chance for me to give something more back to the flatland community, and not just award one rider with an award. Nice in my opinion to have a mix that recognise the talent within our community, without a further a due lets get right into it!

BIG congratulations to all the winners (I will be in touch!), and also everyone who got nominated. Huge honour in my opinion to get nominated from your riding peers. Thanks again to everyone in the flatland community who took the time to vote, great to see such a healthy participation for 2019!

Effraim Catlow / Flatmattersonline, 11 years strong.

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The 2019 Flatmattersonline Year End Award Nominees Announced!

As we roll into my 12th year of running Flatmattersonline, and now my 6th year of running the Flatmattersonline Year End Awards. The feeling and concept of why I started the site, and why I started hosting the awards with multiple categories remain the same. This was a chance I felt to showcase the many talents flatland has to offer via My vote (editorial) and your vote (reader vote) and not just focus on one rider.

Here are the nominees for the Editorial Vote and Reader Vote, 2019 Flatmatters Year End Awards. Congratulations to everyone who was nominated, and thank you flatland as always!

* Please note: There were a couple of ties, so there are 6 nominees in some categories…

Effraim Catlow.
11 years and counting / Flatmattersonline.

Editorial Vote:

Rider of the Year

Matthias Dandois
Owen Bohn
Dominik Nekolny
Kio Hayakawa
James White

Edit of the Year:

Dane Beardsley / that and this 2019
Matthias Dandois / Taking Hawaii
Pedro Melo / Nice Nice Very Nice
James White / Eye of the Tiger
Michele Maiolani / Straight Ahead
Regenerations / Short Film

Most Progressive Rider

Ryo Katagiri
James White
Owen Bohn
Kio Hayakawa
Jean William Prevost

Outstanding Contribution

Alex Jumelin
Irina Sadovnik
Nick Watts
Martti Kuoppa

Line of The Year:

Ryo Katagiri: Regenerations Video. 9:57:
Body Varial two footed backyard pivot gliding lard yard pivot switch foot peg wheelie carved in circles wind into switch handed backwards spinning switch -b to gliding opposite switch b to xft two footed trump truck Degroot undertaker out.

James White: Eye of the Tiger. 2:13.
Switch foot head grab peg wheelie into one handed switch foot peg wheelie pivot to head grab ant rider to head grab one handed rope on the right foot undertaker headtube pivot out.

Dane Beardsley: This and that 2019. 2:03,
Dump truck jump round to backwards rolling ice cream to rope then into backwards straddle come out opposite side g-roll to ice cream back regular rope back to straddle back opposite g-roll to ice cream jump to peg wheelie bar flip out!

Matthias Dandois: Hawaii. 2:03.
Whips into opposite spinning fork wheelie and casually bar scoots into backwards spinning one footed halfpacker on his opposite side with one foot under the chainring/BB into left sided halfpacker.

Pedro Melo: Nice Nice Very Nice. 1:11.
One footed spinning hitch to steam.


Readers Vote.

Rider of the Year.

Kio Hayakawa
Matthias Dandois
Dominik Nekolny
Matthieu Bonnecuelle
Owen Bohn

Edit of the Year.

Pedro Melo / Nice Nice very nice!
Matthias Dandois / Hawaii
Mateus Beckmann / Flat Street
Dane Beardsley / that and this 2019
Jeff Desroche / After the accident 2

Most Progressive Rider.

Kio Hayakawa
Matthieu Bonnecuelle
James White
Jean William Prevost
Pedro Melo
Matthias Dandois

Contest Run of Year.

Ryo Katagiri – Fise Hiroshima Round 1
Dominik Nekolny UCI World Championship Final
Matthieu Bonnecuelle UCI World Championship Final
Irina Sadovnik UCI World Championship Final
Moto Sasaki Fise Chengdu Finals

Breakthrough Rider.

Kio Hayakawa
Irina Sadovnik
Matthieu Bonnecuelle
Nick Watts
Benjamin Hudson


Year end award winners announced:
Wednesday 15th January.

Throwback Thursdays – One Love Jam 2018

It is the annual One Love Jam this weekend in Newport Beach, California. Tomorrow I am heading down to LA with Pete Brandt, Dylan Worsley, and James McGraw. Seems like as good a time as any for this sweet bonus edit from last year, crank it up and get hyped. I know I am!

One Love Jam Bonus

BONUS from OneLoveBmx on Vimeo.

Robert Reilly, Rich Slezak, Dane Beardsley, Ruben Castillo, Pete Brandt, Misael Mizo, Lincoln Harberger, and Frank Ruiz feature on the Bonus edit from the One Love jam a few weeks back. Jamming to the sounds of Bodycount!

One Love Jam 2018

OneLoveJam2018 from OneLoveBmx on Vimeo.

The official edit of the 8th annual One Love Jam 2018 just dropped and it’s a banger. Look out for an interview here on FM real soon with the man behind the jam, Darin Wright. For now peep a whole load of good riding and vibes from the likes of Bill Nitschke, Ahmed Johnson, Bruno Zebu, Ruben Castillo, Chad Johnston, Gabe Weed, Ed Jolie, Dane Beardsley, and Pete Brandt.

Vibe5 2002

Another day, another great video from the archives. Jeff Desroche’s Vibe 5 video from 2002, featuring great contest footage from the Toronto contest, and Florida CFB. So much good riding from the likes of Viki Gomez, Aaron Frost, Jeff Desroche, Dane Beardsley, Terry Adams, Ed Nussbaum, Phil Dolan, Cory Stratychuk and many more. It’s well worth sitting down and enjoying this one! Thanks Claybom for the upload.