BMXPLORATIONTOUR: Californiacation

Jean-Francois Boulianne stayed almost 4 months in California this winter, you can’t beat that winter sunshine feel that California offers. Great riding and a nice edit to boot from the likes of JFB, Pete Brandt, Sean Fontenot, Gabe Weed, Joel Moody, Robert Castillo, Shayne Khajeehnoori, Rich Slezak, Ahmed Johnston and many more.

Episodes 31-40: The Flatmattersonline Exclusives


It’s time for a recap, episodes 31-40 of the Flatmattersonline exclusives:

In order of appearance (you can also check the time stamp:

William Herve, Paul Chamberlain,Ramon Colon Lopez, Rich Slezak, Ludovic Lufebvre, Effraim Catlow,
Cory Stratychuk, Claude Hickman, Robert Victoria, Peter Miklosi.

We will be back to episode 46 on Sunday. Thank you to everyone for contributing!

Repo: The 2019 One Love Jam

Text: Effraim.
Photos: Effraim, Juan Lopez, Bobby Carter.

The 9th annual One Love Jam in Newport Beach, California was lived up to all the hype I have heard over the years. We were staying around an hour away in Corona, and I believe it was James McGraw who said “it will be sunny at the beach Effraim”. I remember thinking “yeah yeah, that’s not going to happen”, low and beyond we arrive at picture perfect Newport Beach and the sunshine is booming, girls in bikinis everywhere, hockey players, and a fast smooth newly resurfaced riding spot which is large enough to hold 120 riders pretty comfortably with a California beach backdrop.

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One Love Jam Bonus

BONUS from OneLoveBmx on Vimeo.

Robert Reilly, Rich Slezak, Dane Beardsley, Ruben Castillo, Pete Brandt, Misael Mizo, Lincoln Harberger, and Frank Ruiz feature on the Bonus edit from the One Love jam a few weeks back. Jamming to the sounds of Bodycount!

Long Beach Transit Edit

Long Beach Transit Edit from emer bmx on Vimeo.

Johann Chan and friends made it over to California recently for the S&M 30th anniversary bash.

Here’s what Johann had to say about this one: “Featuring one of my favourite new school riders Benedict Zartost, Diversion film maker legend Bobby Carter, Huntington Beach legend Gabe Weed & Carpark moonie legend Rich Slezak.
The video was all made in transit, using Splice on my iPhone 5 with additional graphics using Aftereffects, all compiled on the train on the way to work!”

Best of One Love Bmx Jam 2017

Benedict Zartost is on fire with edits recently and today we have a nice treat to kick off our Sunday posts. Hit play for part 1 of the “Best of One Love Bmx Jam 2017” featuring Jim Cavanaugh, Sean Fontenot, Gabe Kadmiri, Andrew Wickham, Pat Fisher, Blake Hicks, Koit McIntire, Matthias Dandois, Ryan Russell, Lindsey La’akea Bode, Rich Slezak, and many more.

Lookback: October 2015 – The Flatmattersonline 2015 Year end awards

October was all about Flatark, all eyes on Kobe, Japan! But besides that what else happened in the month of October? Take a lookback…

On October 4th, Canadian Powerhouse Jason Plourde dropped a powerful back wheel line, as he warms up for Flatark in a few weeks, hit play!

A while ago we dropped the news Fabien Stephan was riding for Far East Cycles along with Dub and Benjamin Hudson. Now check his Welcome to edit, signature SF styles and amazing production in this one! Hell yes!

What a nice video to wake up to on October 7th! Heresy just released this amazing trick, no handed turbine whiplash anyone? Matthieu Bonnecuelle just unlocked a new door, the possibilities are endless!

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