Aloha Jam news from the man himself, Bobby Carter.
OCT 10 – 13, 2024 on the island of O’ahu
Aloha Jam is more than just a jam it’s a BMX Holiday! This year’s edition, “TIKI HIDEAWAY SESSIONS”, consists of 3 epic flatland sessions at different locations around the island of O’ahu along with a bonus skatepark session at the legenday Banzai skatepark across from the world class North Shore surf breaks. Sprinkle some island adventures into the mix and it’s an experience of a lifetime!
Aloha Jam is more than just a jam it’s a BMX Holiday! This year’s edition, “The O’ahu Sessions”, consists of 3 epic flatland sessions at different locations around the island of O’ahu along with a bonus skatepark session at the legenday Banzai skatepark across from the world class North Shore surf breaks. Add some island adventure into the mix, and it’s an experience to remember!
I’m assuming everyone has seen “Watch Out For Robots” now, individual parts have posted. Now you can enjoy the enders from Lindsey Bode, Bobby Burge, Bobby Carter, Omari Cato, Joe Cicman, Mickey Gaidos, Pedro Melo and Art Thomason. Steve Lapsley has killed it with putting this out, and continuing the hype.
Stoked today to host the World premiere of “Watch out for Robots”, go watch this right now!
“In the worldwide BMX flatland scene it is common to see riders with similar styles and tricks. Every so often a trendy style will come along and result in copycat riders. Ultimately, being original or having your own style becomes one of the top priorities of most riders. In the American scene the vast distances between riders creates a vast difference in riding styles. Being original is a goal and badge of honor for these riders. It can be an easy trap to fall for, to ride like someone else you admire. But be original. Be yourself. Don’t be a copycat. And, WATCH OUT FOR ROBOTS.”
A film by Steven Lapsley featuring Lindsey Bode, Bobby Burge, Bobby Carter, Omari Cato, Joe Cicman, Mickey Gaidos, Pedro Melo and Art Thomason.
“Watch Out For Robots” is the full length follow up to “Forget What You Heard” and “Nice Nice Very Nice”. A BMX flatland film by Steven Lapsley featuring Lindsey Bode, Bobby Burge, Bobby Carter, Omari Cato, Joe Cicman, Mickey Gaidos, Pedro Melo, and Art Thomason.
Not even a tsunami warning could stop the 2022 One Love Jam, and Darin Wright came through with this awesome edit showcasing some of the riding that went down in Newport Beach, California. Don’t miss this one!
12 Years into running Flatmattersonline on Friday 27th November 2020, it was time for something new for the site.
After various conversations with my co-host Pete Brandt during our lockdown here in the UK, the “Flat Only” COGcast is born, the title “Flat ONLY” seemed to be the most fitting, and described the direction we both feel strongly about, Pete suggested changing “POD” to “COG” to keep inline with that flatland feel.
On the evening of our 12th anniversary, I got together via zoom with Pete Brandt, Bobby Carter, Jody Temple and man of the moment, Peter Olsen to talk about all things 12 years of Flatmattersonline, Wheelie bikes as a trend, lack of flatland frames currently available, the latest video parts, reemergence of flatland only brands, back injuries and much much more. It was a great conversation, check the timestamps below for a quick reference of what is discussed when.
Grab a cuppa FM style and enjoy the first episode….
00:00 Intro to the FLAT ONLY cogcast, introducing Pete Brandt, and our guests Bobby Carter and Jody Temple!
5:38 12 years of FM, at what point did you guys start checking FM?
12:04 Questions for Effraim about running Flatmatters?
29:13 COVID has affected everyone’s riding. The pros and cons.
41:15: View on the over saturated market of old school frames
43:00 And not much choice in modern day flat frames….
53:57 Peter Olsen joins the show.
55:18 The reemergence of FLAT ONLY brands.
1:05:18 Back injuries and the importance of stretching…
1:11:50 Flatmattersonline year end awards coming up! So many amazing edits lately including Pete Olsen’s Ritual part….
1:26:59 Are wheelie bikes going to be the future or a passing trend?
It’s a good day for content today, if you watched Doses X V1.0 it’s time to watch part 2 of the Doses project put together by Adam Guild.
Featuring Bobby Carter, Thiago BB, Robert Victoria, Adam Guild, Lindsey Bode, Dax Wolford, Juan Carlos Moronta, Matt Thomas, Anthony Schneidewind, Scott Hagnas, Malte Orth, Francis Chase Santos, Sean Porter, Juan Carlos Arracera, Frank Ruiz, Rosey Taylor,
Mark Harris, Rodney Williams.
I hope everyone is safe and well at home during this really difficult time. A couple of people shared the idea to post the first ten clips on one edit to look back over, and during this lockdown period. I have plenty of time to kill, so here are the first the clips that started back in January of this year.
These clips have become a thing, and I am really stoked on the reaction to doing these. Thanks to all the riders that taken part so far and shared their progressive lines with all of us.
Shoutouts to:
Pete Brandt
Sietse Van Berkel
George Manos
Bobby Carter
Chris Vasileiou
Varo Hernandez
Sebastian Grubinger
Kio Hayakawa
Matthias Dandois
Dan Hennig
Keep checking back:
Every Wednesday, a new clip on
Great footage of Terry Adams tearing the King of Ground in Nagoya, Japan a new one. This made me think of Bobby Carter’s Diversion 5.0 so let’s place that below for your viewing pleasure. I miss seeing the King of Ground contest footage, so much energy.