Doses X V2.0

Doses X V2.0 from Doses Flatland on Vimeo.

It’s a good day for content today, if you watched Doses X V1.0 it’s time to watch part 2 of the Doses project put together by Adam Guild.
Featuring Bobby Carter, Thiago BB, Robert Victoria, Adam Guild, Lindsey Bode, Dax Wolford, Juan Carlos Moronta, Matt Thomas, Anthony Schneidewind, Scott Hagnas, Malte Orth, Francis Chase Santos, Sean Porter, Juan Carlos Arracera, Frank Ruiz, Rosey Taylor,
Mark Harris, Rodney Williams.

Doses X V1.0

Doses X V1.0 from Doses Flatland on Vimeo.

Are you bored of watching edit, edit on the site? And fancy watching a full video, which is kind of rare these days. Adam Guild is one of those riders that takes the time to get riders together and make a full video, Doses X V1.0 features Gilberto Giba, Arturo Garay, Robert Victoria, Teak,Buddy Wingren, Adam Guild, Thiago BB, Jose Polanco, Ramon Lopez-Colon, Anthony Schneidewind, Bri Welch and Rodney Williams.

Lil Doses #9

Lil Doses #9 from Doses Flatland on Vimeo.

Today is a good day for edits, well actually….. Lil Doses #9 is a full length flatland video by Adam Guild that deserves your attention. What I especially like about this feature is that the riding is not reserved only for the elite. The riding content covers expert level through to pro level riding featuring Scott Hagnas, George Manos, Giannis Caterllis, Pedro Melo, Dax Wolford, Michael Shao, David Walters, Alejandro Marques, Adam Guild, Dan Hamilton, Bri Welch, Anthony Schneidewind, Louis Orth, Erin Fricke, Joe Cicman, Rodney Williams, Francis Chase Santos, Rosey Taylor, Jay Marley, Kevin Howell, Juan Carlos Moronta, Ramón Lopez Colon, Thiago BB, Robert Victoria, Lindsey Bode, Art Thomason, and Bryan Huffman. Lil Doses #9 runs for 1:19, when you have the time give this one a watch. Props to Adam Guild putting this one together!

* Pedro Medina. Rest in Peace – this one is for you.

Doses 8

Doses 8 from Doses Flatland on Vimeo.

At just over 55 minutes I haven’t got round to watching this one the whole way through yet, but looking forward to watching this one featuring Anthony Schneidewind, Lindsey Bode, Adam Guild, Rosey Taylor, Scott Hagnas, Thiago BB, Rob Miller, Alejandro Marques, Erin Fricke, Francis Chase Santos, Juan Carlos Moronta, Rodney Williams, Matt Thomas, Robert Victoria, and Irina priMa Sadovnik.

Doses 7 by Adam Guild

DOSES 7 from Marley on Vimeo.

Adam Guild is on the ball with updates, and this is a big one! Let’s call this one a Christmas treat for us all, Doses 7 is here and features a stacked lineup of riders from across the globe including: Louis Orth, Bobby Carter, Cherechukwu Udenkwere, Adam Guild, Lindsey La Arkea, Anthony Schneidewind, Marty Clark, Jose Polanco, Wilmi Sanchez, Alexis Guzman, Duinaby Marte, Audi Garcia, Juan Carlos Moronta, Rosey Taylor, Fernando Novak, Rodney Williams, Luis Palmas, Chris Saldivaa, Brandon Hopkins, Adrian Sanchez, Indy Armstrong, Jay Marley, Buddy Wingren, Thiago BB, and Bobby Burge.

At over an hour long, sit down and enjoy this one with a beverage of choice.

Doses 5

DOSES 5 from Jay Marley on Vimeo.

Full videos are a rare thing these days, when you have an hour to kill. Sit down and grab a cuppa and enjoy Doses 5 with a cast that are not generally featured online all that much, Does 5 features: Peter Barlow, Fernando Novak, Jay Marley, Matt Thomas, Rosey Taylor, Will Abrahms, Eric Evans, Dax Wolford, Indy Armstrong, Mike Alvarez, Martin Aparijo, Opie Caylor, Ryan Nuines, Sean Porter, Adam Guild, Rodney Williams, David Walters, Scott Hagnas, Thiago Baby, Rob Miller, and Lindsey Bode. Props to Adam Guild putting this one together!

Doses 3

Every so often something gets through the radar, and this would be one of those videos. Doses 3 dropped on August 31st of last year, full videos are nowadays rare as you like! Big respect to Adam Guild for pushing through and making this project, featuring Lindsey La’akea Bode, Mitchell Hall, Erin Fricke, Louis Orth, Brett Middaugh, Ryan Nunies, Christopher Caylor, Jon Dowker, Bobby Carter, Les Butler, Roosevelt Taylor Tony DiPaolo, Rodney Morweiser, Jim Dellavalle, Junior Polanco Abreu, Barry Johnson, Fernando Novak, Will Danner. Doses 4 is scheduled for a sum me release.

Doses Origins

Doses Origins by thieviean

A nice treat today from Adam Guild! Doses Origins is now online with great footage from 1987 through to 1996 (with some previously seen footage) featuring Jay Jones, Adam Guild, Mike Wilson, Brian Tunney, Adam Stack, Phil Hough, Will Abrahms, and Ross Smith. Really enjoyed watching this today!