Doses 8 from Doses Flatland on Vimeo.
At just over 55 minutes I haven’t got round to watching this one the whole way through yet, but looking forward to watching this one featuring Anthony Schneidewind, Lindsey Bode, Adam Guild, Rosey Taylor, Scott Hagnas, Thiago BB, Rob Miller, Alejandro Marques, Erin Fricke, Francis Chase Santos, Juan Carlos Moronta, Rodney Williams, Matt Thomas, Robert Victoria, and Irina priMa Sadovnik.
Haven’t watched all of this yet, but so far some nice riding. It’s probably the first vid l think I’ve seen in awhile, with more riders with brakes, that’s both, not that l’ve anything against those that are brakeless. The rider that does the ‘Nourie’ stand had me guessing, then goes into some great rolling links. It’s good seeing you guys having fun.
& a different spot to ride, an athletics track. That’s broading the horizon.
Haha , BOTH brakes ! Yup ,Tristan ….I was one of em , haha. Im old school , TIMES 7 ! Hahaha . I did however pay homage to riders like Chase , Degroot , Trevor , Paul Palmer R.I.P. , Nate Hanson , and Effraim …back , WAAAAAY back when they all rode both brakes , BUT did brakeless moves within their combos ! I did a Kerry Gatt floating straddle K bar flip …bars big to bars small , the flip was brakeless . Also threw in my other M.O.C. 2018 move at the end of my part …..Eaton squeak to 360 bar flip to pedal Eaton squeak ! Those two , Ive been chasing for MANY moons , usually take me 377 tries……just to hit them….ONCE , haha. Theyre not that hard , but for my whack ass , theyre tough to pull , haha. Theres loads of rippers in this video though with some wild style new school stuff ! One guy , @ 7.15 minutes into the film , Juan Carlos Moronta , SLLLLAAAAAAAMMMMMMS a crack packer to BIKE varial…. to hiker !!! Lindsey Bode freestyles progressive lines throughout his part , Thiago BB throws down dope , smooooooth rolling lines , hes the rider you mentioned and Adam Guild bring the old to mid school heat with his section , AND hes the cat that MADE / CREATED the Doses BMX video series ! Robert Victoria , Rosey Taylor hit em wit some sweet all rolling links ! Irina busts out her rad rolling lines …..EVERY rider contributed something unique , brought their OWN flavor / entrée to the Doses BMX familia table ! Thanks Big -E for the love / post , thanks ,Adam Guild for your patience , relentless hard work , getting ANOTHER Doses chapter ….one and DONE , again !! Im truly stoked / honored ALWAYS to be a part of these ……and thanks Tristan for taking a lil bit of time and checking out some of this film ! Videos like these remind us that………just when you think you know who all the dope riders are………….theres WAAAAAAY more out there , doing their own thing , riding their bikes , progressing their own personal level , and having tons of fun doing it . Bmx flatland truly is a GLOBAL activity / art form !!
Rodney you killed it mi amigo in Doses 8!That Kerry GATT style bar flip gave me an idea for a new trick..Congrats my brother!
That’s ok Rodney, we’re all in this thing called flat.
Hi Rodney, how can l get a copy of Doses? Cheers.
They are all being posted to the Vimeo page and downloadable there.
Just watched it!Congrats Adam you did a great job and I got lots of ideas for new tricks!A must watch film,well done sir!!
Let’s talk
Thanks Adam.
Gracias Giannis ! You’ve been a HUGE factor in the way that Ive been approaching my riding sessions these days . Used to have a set agenda / pre-plan before I would have a sesh , what specifics tricks , variations , lines , I would go through / work on …….THEN …..AFTER really , really watching / taking in all of your FRESSTYLER videos that you’ve dropped on the weekly………THAT changed everything , campeon ! For like the past year and a half , when I sesh , I just go out there on my bike with zero plans / agenda , haha. The way you approach your own riding / progression …NATURALLY , zero force ….well……THAT just seemed to be the way ! Especially judging from your RESULTS that can be seen in EVERY edit from your FREESTYLER series , from 1 through 103 episodes ! As they comically say here in the U.S. , the PROOF is in the PUDDING , haha. Which would means that ,the PROOF that your way of just FREESTYLING your riding sessions ….brings PROGRESSION…..the PROOF is of that PROGRESSION are all the COUNTLESS new tricks / variations / combos that were / are in EVERY edit of your , Giannis ! Your riding edits being the PUDDING ! Like that Mc circle to double Tischman-rang , the track stand staaalllllllll……to switch foot P-decade , those were some lines in my Doses part 8 section that were influenced by YOUR way / tactics of how YOU session your bike , Jefe ! About the ONLY thing that IS pre-planned during my riding sessions are……… WHACK ass desperately trying to dial my M.O.C. 2018 tricks …that Kerry Gatt- brakeless bar flip , floating straddle -K , and the Eaton squeak 360 bar flip to pedal Eaton squeak , haha……THOSE damn things…..bruuuuuuuvvvv…..usually take about 477 tries , just to hit them both…ONCE , haha. Been chasing those two tricks for over 15 years , haha….BUT you know what , Giannis……I love the CHASE , STRUGGLE , FAILING , that is bmx flatland sometimes , haha. A lot of times a dialed riding session , where you DONT mess up a lot , and pull off everything , NOT failing a lot is…….THESE days …..VERY boring to me , haha ! I , these days LOVE the RUSH that comes with a CONSTANT chase of MANY failed attempts at trying to pull off certain tricks , and combos ! Stepping OUT of my comfort zone and just relentlessly chasing , failing at certain tricks and lines…….as Matthias Dandois stated a little while ago……..bmx flatland is 98 percent FAILING……and ONLY 2 percent SUCCESS !! Hahaha…….he is SO correct ,and these days …I wouldn’t have it ANY other way ! Thanks for your props , support AND influence , Giannis ,aka….THE bmx KING of Greece ! You are TRULY one of THE top 20 riders in bmx flatland to have EVER picked up a bike , NO joke , campeon ! Your bmx legacy wil STAND , like 37 years and BEYOND , from today , my bruv………I mean …..OVER 100 edits of ALL original , progressive , super difficult tricks , variations and links ! That’s ALWAYS gonna hold weight and DEMAND respect , Giannis !! KEEP ruling on your bike , hermano !!!
Gracias mi amigo!haha!You push me to talk Spanish cabrone!hahaha!True words from you my brother…its truth that flatland is more struggle than success but its cool sometimes tricks to come more easily and with less pain.As I stated in my interview with Effraim,I don’t want to kill myself just to land one damn trick!Its been 5 years now that i uploading my riding and I got so much love and positive energy from all readers of flat matters and especially YOU brother Rodney that I feel obligaded to keep sharing my sessions with all of you as I got also inspiration from yours videos through out the years…So pleased that my freestyle riding inspired you to freestyle on your sessions also!it seems that it works to others beside me!haha!And that 360 bar flip to Eaton squeak you did Rodney is such a beauty,I jealous!I must try it sometime when my arm feels better,I hope you don’t mind!ha!Again thank you my man for your respect and of course I will continue the weekly freestyle series till the end of this world…!hahaha!Time for me to go watch Doses 8 once again….
Also , Giannis ………Im stoked that the Kerry Gatt brakeless bar flip -floating straddle -K that I did….is gonna give ya even MORE ideas for even MORE new tricks in your future edits ! THATS gonna rule . Im humbled / ammmped that my WHACK ass could give you ANY kind of ideas for new tricks …considering how insanely skilled you are on a bike , haha. Thanks AGAIN , campeon …….AND gotta give a HUGE shout out to Mr. Kerry Gatt , himself ….THE jefe of the former New Zealand BMX scene , back in the early-mid 1990s , before he hit state side ! WITHOUT him ….him CREATING that trick…….I WOULDNT have had a brakeless bar flip variation to begin with ! He laid the foundation . Respect to Kerry and you Giannis , TIMES 7 ! Cant wait for edit number 104 , Giannis !
Hey Rodney freetyler #105 coming up next!haha!you got dizzy from all those nonstop combos you’re doing mi hermano.!hahaha!freestyle #104 is around 3 weeks now uploaded.ha!You know last winter I pulled a circle k standing on the crossbar of the handlebars and I got an idea from watching you pulling that one foot bar flip that I can try bar flipping from the crossbar back to the crossbar scuffing that Eaton squeak.let’s see what happens…
CALLING ……..ALL / ANY riders ! ANY discipline of BMX …….friend request , ADAM GUILD on Face Book , message him , THEN send him some riding clips of you ! ANYONE is invited to be a part of his NEW bmx project ……titled LIL DOSES . So far looks like we got George Manos , my whack ass , haha , Giannis Caternellis , some other riders from the U.S. , this is really a cool thing , ANYONE is invited to send riding footage to ADAM GUILD , YOU pick your song , also ! This one…..DOSES part 8 , was really fun to be a part of ………….if ANYONE wants to join the DOSES bmx party ………send your footage to ADAM GUILD by DECEMBER 20 , and friend request him on Face Book ! DOSES , DOSER ………DOSED bmx , TIMES 7 , my bruv…………….