Doses X V1.0

Doses X V1.0 from Doses Flatland on Vimeo.

Are you bored of watching edit, edit on the site? And fancy watching a full video, which is kind of rare these days. Adam Guild is one of those riders that takes the time to get riders together and make a full video, Doses X V1.0 features Gilberto Giba, Arturo Garay, Robert Victoria, Teak,Buddy Wingren, Adam Guild, Thiago BB, Jose Polanco, Ramon Lopez-Colon, Anthony Schneidewind, Bri Welch and Rodney Williams.

Start Combat Round 1, Limu Peru

William Perez sent through this edit from Round 1 of the South American Circuit “Start Combat 2019”. The first round took place in Lima, Peru. Congratulations to Balu who took the win, peep the edit/result below.

1. Sergio Ricardo Balu (Brasil)
2. Max Aburto (Chile)
3. Arturo Garay (Paraguay)
4. Williams Perez (Peru)
5. Jonathan Camargo (Colombia)

The next circuit date is in Colombia Bambuco Jam 12 October, Brazil 01 November and finish in Córdoba, Argentina on 07 December.

Culiadasos Style FT Benjamin Hudson, Owen Bohn, Takuji Kasahara

Culiadasos Style from jereromero on Vimeo.

Andrés León sent this raw feeling South American edit that was born on What’s app, featuring the likes of Benjamin Hudson, Owen Bohn, Takuji Kasahara, Arturo Garay and many more. Sit down with your morning cuppa and enjoy this one!