Owen Bohn wins 2023 UrbanRuralRide + Full final results

What an awesome weekend at the annual Urbanruralride in Saint Yan, France. This is one of the best contests on the calendar, congratulations to Owen Bohn winner of Pro class, the final four battle was intense!

Also, congratulations to Aude Cassagne winner of the Women’s Class, Jean Michel Chauvel winner of Veteran, Nils Buyse who took his first win in Masters, and Mathis Valade who made a huge stride from last place last year at this contest to first place this year, and in both qualifying and finals. Big scene in France, seventy riders in total competed, this is a real community event with a lot of love, and passion put into it and it shows! Look out for a repo later in the week.

The 2019 Flatmattersonline Year End Award Nominees Announced!

As we roll into my 12th year of running Flatmattersonline, and now my 6th year of running the Flatmattersonline Year End Awards. The feeling and concept of why I started the site, and why I started hosting the awards with multiple categories remain the same. This was a chance I felt to showcase the many talents flatland has to offer via My vote (editorial) and your vote (reader vote) and not just focus on one rider.

Here are the nominees for the Editorial Vote and Reader Vote, 2019 Flatmatters Year End Awards. Congratulations to everyone who was nominated, and thank you flatland as always!

* Please note: There were a couple of ties, so there are 6 nominees in some categories…

Effraim Catlow.
11 years and counting / Flatmattersonline.

Editorial Vote:

Rider of the Year

Matthias Dandois
Owen Bohn
Dominik Nekolny
Kio Hayakawa
James White

Edit of the Year:

Dane Beardsley / that and this 2019
Matthias Dandois / Taking Hawaii
Pedro Melo / Nice Nice Very Nice
James White / Eye of the Tiger
Michele Maiolani / Straight Ahead
Regenerations / Short Film

Most Progressive Rider

Ryo Katagiri
James White
Owen Bohn
Kio Hayakawa
Jean William Prevost

Outstanding Contribution

Alex Jumelin
Irina Sadovnik
Nick Watts
Martti Kuoppa

Line of The Year:

Ryo Katagiri: Regenerations Video. 9:57:
Body Varial two footed backyard pivot gliding lard yard pivot switch foot peg wheelie carved in circles wind into switch handed backwards spinning switch -b to gliding opposite switch b to xft two footed trump truck Degroot undertaker out.

James White: Eye of the Tiger. 2:13.
Switch foot head grab peg wheelie into one handed switch foot peg wheelie pivot to head grab ant rider to head grab one handed rope on the right foot undertaker headtube pivot out.

Dane Beardsley: This and that 2019. 2:03,
Dump truck jump round to backwards rolling ice cream to rope then into backwards straddle come out opposite side g-roll to ice cream back regular rope back to straddle back opposite g-roll to ice cream jump to peg wheelie bar flip out!

Matthias Dandois: Hawaii. 2:03.
Whips into opposite spinning fork wheelie and casually bar scoots into backwards spinning one footed halfpacker on his opposite side with one foot under the chainring/BB into left sided halfpacker.

Pedro Melo: Nice Nice Very Nice. 1:11.
One footed spinning hitch to steam.


Readers Vote.

Rider of the Year.

Kio Hayakawa
Matthias Dandois
Dominik Nekolny
Matthieu Bonnecuelle
Owen Bohn

Edit of the Year.

Pedro Melo / Nice Nice very nice!
Matthias Dandois / Hawaii
Mateus Beckmann / Flat Street
Dane Beardsley / that and this 2019
Jeff Desroche / After the accident 2

Most Progressive Rider.

Kio Hayakawa
Matthieu Bonnecuelle
James White
Jean William Prevost
Pedro Melo
Matthias Dandois

Contest Run of Year.

Ryo Katagiri – Fise Hiroshima Round 1
Dominik Nekolny UCI World Championship Final
Matthieu Bonnecuelle UCI World Championship Final
Irina Sadovnik UCI World Championship Final
Moto Sasaki Fise Chengdu Finals

Breakthrough Rider.

Kio Hayakawa
Irina Sadovnik
Matthieu Bonnecuelle
Nick Watts
Benjamin Hudson


Year end award winners announced:
Wednesday 15th January.

Must Watch! – Master Of Creativity Top 5 Final edit

Like Martti Kuoppa, the visionary of the Master of Creativity said yesterday on his podcast with Scott O’Brien. MOC is a different kind of riding from contest riding, and rather than consistency, riders are killing themselves for a trick they might only land once and try to capture it! The top 5 level was off the chart, I wanted to highlight what I liked about each entry.

Sietse Van Berkel: 1:55 locked in his original side packer position, Sietse takes the pedal steam standing on the top tube one handed to new levels. Absolutely incredible, go back and look at the balance point!

Sakis Doumas: I like what Sakis did here, here’s my banger and thats it! And wow, what a banger it was. Hitch dark side to knee fudegpacker, and considering the difficulty coming off the knees in that position, relatively clean exiting out! Much respect Sakis!

Lee Musselwhite: Without question I think this is Lee’s best work yet, really stoked he stepped up for the MOC finals. My personal favourite’s were the Phoenix body varial to fork wheelie at 1:10 and the backwards flail boomerang to no handed backwards crack that follows! Absolutely amazing!

Owen Bohn: Owen’s ender has had us all talking, the lawn to bike flip one handed at 00;38, executed so clean! I am excited for this guy’s future, and on a personal level the opening whip round to crack pivot hang ten pivot xft steam all in one motion was beautiful, one of the lines of the year! Respect Owen!

John Yull: Despite some bike troubles, John Yull still dug deep for the MOC Finals and continued his amazing level throughout the competition and much like Scott O’Brien said yesterday on his podcast. He dedicated his year to this event, and it showed. My favourite clips were the foot jam decade frame stand manual to stemade at 00:26, the no handed decade to opposite decade at 00:18 followed by switch foot one handed perverted rolaid that follows! Congratulations to John Yull for taking the win in the most progressive contest of the year, and all the finalists for progressing our art form so much, you can’t put a price on that….

Culiadasos Style FT Benjamin Hudson, Owen Bohn, Takuji Kasahara

Culiadasos Style from jereromero on Vimeo.

Andrés León sent this raw feeling South American edit that was born on What’s app, featuring the likes of Benjamin Hudson, Owen Bohn, Takuji Kasahara, Arturo Garay and many more. Sit down with your morning cuppa and enjoy this one!

Lookback: August – The 2016 Flatmattersonline Year End Awards

August is often the busiest month of the year on the site, and it certainly got started with a bang on August 1st! The man of the moment, Viki Gomez fresh back from the 2016 World Circuit title in Brazil goes back to the core day to day sessions at his home spot in Luxembourg and just like the CORE Part 1, this delivers at the highest level!

Highlights for me:
– The opening rolling dump truck pivot backwards xft ice cream pivot opposite side two footed dump truck pivot xft ice cream line is just beautiful and took me back to the riding of Dan Rigby, amazing!
– X bar steam kickflip regular bar halfpacker pivot opposite xft hitch xft halfhiker body varial to halfpacker at 00:39!
– I know it’s not new, but the hang ten pressure jump steam Viki does at 1:03 is timeless, execution is also on point!
– Backwards crackpacker in circles carved back to forwards crackpacker steam kick flip crackpacker, the technicality and sheer variety of moves Viki has is just incredible! This is years and years of crafting to get to this level, I could go on and on, but I’ll leave it here.

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Lookback: March – The 2016 Flatmattersonline Year End Awards

March is always a good month, springtime is coming and after a long winter its nice to be able to ride outside again. Not to mention generally there is a whole lot more content coming through from riders worldwide.

On the first day of March, Paul Chamberlain just dropped a real nice promo for the Down Underground 2016 series, filmed at his local riding spot in Summer Hill. Plenty of awesome hang 5 variations in signature Paul Chamberlain smooth style, well worth watching again.

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Lookback: January – The 2016 Flatmattersonline Year End Awards

Hello everyone,

I dropped the 2016 Flatmattersonline year end awards just a few days ago, thank you to everyone who has already voted.Today I begin the task of going through the entire year and seeing what went down. In order to keep this as concise as possible, I will posting just what has happened in 2016. (In January there were a lot of edits posted from the previous year…)

Effraim Catlow/Flatmatters Online

2016 really kicked off with the Quest BMX Sponsor Me contest, with a whole load of quality entries form across the globe arriving, in the end Jeremy Brosset and Gurvan le’ Brok won the competition and place on the team. Refresh your memories and take a look at their entries right here:

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World Circuit Round 3 – Rio 2106

Plenty of footage coming through from Round 3 of the World Circuit, beach vibes from Rio and great riding from the likes of Williams Perez, Arthur Garay, Benjamin Hudson, Bruno Zebu, Gilberto Rocha, Jorge Gallardo, Leo Claro, Luis dos Santos, Marcio Soares, Mateus Beckmann, Moto Sasaki, Owen Bohn, Romulo Guerra, Sergio “Balu”, Viki Gomez, William Brado, Yohei Uchino and many more!

You can check the full results below:

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Master Of Creativity Round 2 placings – 12th to 6th

Master Of Creativity Round2 placings: 12 – 6 from Martti Kuoppa on Vimeo.

Absolutely incredible level of riding for Master of Creativity Round 2, hit play and grab your motivation for todays session! Big respect to everyone who threw down and took flatland up a notch!