Jean William Prevost wins Huff Jam + Full Results / American BMX Flatland League

Yesterday, the annual Huffjam went off in Winston-Salem, North Carolina to wrap up the first year of the American BMX Flatland League.

Congratulations to Jean William Prevost, Bryan Huffman, Teak Gabriel, Ron Metzger, Christiana Neves, and Preston Wilson winners of each class. Full results below, thanks as always to Todd Carter for the results and podium shots.

Pro Class

1. Jean William Prevóst

2. Terry Adams

3. Austin Luberda

4. Jean Francois Boulianne

5. Mickey Gaidos

6. Art Thomason

7. Dax Wolford

8. Bobby Burger

9. Isaiah Jordan

10. Alejandro Guerrero

Master Class

1. Bryan Huffman

2. Kevin Edwards

3. Todd Carter

4. Kelly Baldwin

5. Ed Jodie

6. Keith King

7. Alexis La Grassa

Expert Class

1. Teak Gabriel

2. Lee Mejia

3. Ezra Patton

4. Thiago Balzano

5. Rodney Dye

6. Dakota Ritchie

7. Kevin Washington

8. Andy Pandemic

Old Is Cool Class

1. Ron Metzger

2. Lance Lyons

3. Ron Seay

4. Brent Schulze

5. Fox Kinsman

6. Greg Mobley

7. Mark Johnson

8. Matt Stamey

9. Matt Veach

10. Justin Tate

11. Brian Dunlap

12. Kevin Czuba

13. Chuck Hargis

14. John Moloney

15. Chris Wong

16. Glen Mehltretter

17. Keith Rieben

18. Jason Harrison

Novice Class

1. Christiana Neves

2. Joel Munday

3. David Shipley

4. Zachary Drieling

5. AJ Moloney

6. Justin Oh

7. Will Calloway

8. Monique Baldwin

9. Kelly Oldfield

10. Danny Harrison

11. Kim Klisiak

12. Rodney Bowcock

13. Donnie Pickering

17 & Under Class

1. Preston Wilson

2. Emily Metzger

3. Julianna Metzger

FLAT ONLY COGCAST: Episode 2 / The Return of Sequence with Aaron Frost!

Welcome to Episode 2 of the Flat Only COGcast, my guest for the second episode is Aaron Frost from Sequence. The return of Sequence is a breath of fresh air to the flatland community, and I sit down with the man himself, and talk about the history of the brand, re-re-releasing classic sequence product, the new Anvil system on his peg design + you get the scoop on the new team for 2021 and a whole lot more.

Check the Timestamps for what’s discussed, I have to say this one of the best interviews I have done. Really enjoyed catching up with Aaron and talking all things Sequence. This show is not to be missed!!!

Enjoy the show!

0:00 Welcome to FLAT ONLY cogcast episode 2!

00:19 Introducing Aaron Frost to the show.

2:52 History of the Sequence brand.

3:49 Concept behind Sequence name.

6:06 How long did the brand run the first time round?

7:59 Shintaro Misawa added to the Sequence team.

10:42 Who was on the original Sequence team?

15:45 Recognising annoyingly good riders.

17:46 How long did Sequence lay dormant, what was your thinking starting back up?

19:04 Making a mistake getting Sequence made in Taiwan.

20:56 When did you start Sequence up again?

21:57 Starting a manufacturing company.

24:29 Making Sequence product in house.

25:32 Re-releasing classic Sequence product?

26:24 The Hook stem and the engineering behind it.

31:03 Is the weight on product a concern for you as a rider and engineer?

32:35 The Anvil peg system and size of pegs?

34:37 Why is the internal sleeve starting inside the peg more than usual?

36:28 Working with Titanium.

38:34 Having the facilty to take more then stems and pegs.

39:57 Working towards complete bikes.

40:52 Who is on the Sequence team for 2021?

48:25 Discussing how insane the Real Jeep Games were?

51:53 North American flatland scene.

53:07 Where can you get Sequence product from?

54:51 Aaron’s personal riding progression and injuries.

57:02 How does Aaron feel about Flat Only Brands?

1:07:21 How can people contact you?

2019 MidWest Jam

Burd Phillips was on hand to document some of the action from this weekend’s MidWest Jam featuring Austin Luberda, Ron Monis, Andy Cooper, Chris Armstrong, Jake Jackson, Anthony Schneidewind, Andy Cooper, Burd Phillips, Marty Clark and more. Good vibes from the Q skatepark in Indianapolis.

Who will be the 2018 Flatmattersonline Rider of the Year?

The exclusive content here on Flatmattersonline keeps coming. Whilst I was out at the annual Battle in the Rockies contest a few weeks back, I caught up with some riders to ask them who they thought was the Rider of the Year as a prelude to the up and coming FM year and awards that will be open to vote from 17th December.

The 2017 Flatmattersonline Year End Award Nominees are…..

Happy New Year everyone! It’s time to announce the nominees for the editorial and reader choice 2017 Flatmattersonline Year end awards, thank you to everyone who took the time to vote. As always it is interesting to see what you the reader of Flatmattersonline thinks compared to my editorial votes. And last not certainly not least congratulations to all the nominees.


Effraim Catlow

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2017 AFA Round 1 – Best Trick


If you missed the livestream from the AFA Round 1 contest in Detriot, Michigan. Fear not, you can catch it right here, thanks to Mark Mundt for the heads up. You can see Jean William Prevost’s wild new spinning undertaker line at around the 9:46 mark, plus of course a ton more great riding.

Lookback: November – The 2016 Flatmattersonline Year End Awards

With the voting closing today on the 2016 Flatmattersonline Year End Awards, its’s time to finish up on the last two months of the year. Did things slow down, hell no!!!


On the 1st of the month, I was still catching up on the Flatark contest. Viki Gomez was presented with the 2016 World Circuit title at Flatark, Viki was followed on the podium by Matthias Dandois and Yohei Uchino! Here’s what Viki had to say:
“GRACIAS! THANK YOU! 2016 competition season’s been great to me and I am very grateful for once again taking home the 2016 World Championship title! @bmxflatlandworldcircuit. Much love to you all! It’s time to celebrate!”

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Lookback: March – The 2016 Flatmattersonline Year End Awards

March is always a good month, springtime is coming and after a long winter its nice to be able to ride outside again. Not to mention generally there is a whole lot more content coming through from riders worldwide.

On the first day of March, Paul Chamberlain just dropped a real nice promo for the Down Underground 2016 series, filmed at his local riding spot in Summer Hill. Plenty of awesome hang 5 variations in signature Paul Chamberlain smooth style, well worth watching again.

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Tangent Jam 5.0

Bene Pfriem and Lalo Jimenez made the trip from LA to Tucson, Arizona for the Tangent Flatland jam, peep this awesome edit which despite competing in the contest still managed to capture a lot of the action featuring the likes of James McGraw, Bryan Huffman, Bo Wade, Todd Carter, Austin Luberda and many more.

James McGraw wins Tangent Flatland Jam


Congratulations to James McGraw who yesterday won the annual Tangent Flatland Jam in Tucson, Arizona followed on the podium by Austin Luberda and Bo Wade!For all those following, that was James’ fifth win of 2016!

1-James McGraw
2- Austin Luberda
3- Bo Wade
4- Bryan Huffman
5- Brian Gavagan
6- Todd Carter
7- Ryan Russell

If anyone has the full results, please send them over: