Kio Hayakawa wins Cycle Week 2024 in Zurich, Switzerland

Congratulations to Kio Hayakawa, winner of the Cycle week contest in Zurich, Switzerland followed on the podium by Matthias Dandois and Sietse van Berkel.

Pro final results.

1. Kio Hayakawa.

2. Matthias Dandois.

3. Sietse van Berkel.

4. Dustyn Alt.

5. Joris Bretagnolles.

6. Julien Baran.

7. Alberto Moya.

8. Dan Hennig

Repo: Oya Street Jam.

Text: Barre Neirynck.
Photos: Barre Neirynck, Djou Nien.

I hit Barre Neirynck a message after I saw a few photos on Instagram,. Whats this event Barre? I don’t know much about it, it looks amazing. Barre came through with this repo, shouts to Barre and Djou Nien for helping out with photos. Nice to get a repo back here on Flatmattersonline. Enjoy this one!


It all started last year when I saw some footage from a underground contest on a island thirty minutes away from the west coast of France!
Between Normandië and Bordeaux.
The vibe was so dope, that it sparked my interest to know more about this event.
The name of the island is Île d’Yeu, and is organise by Etienne Taraud and crew, the event called Oya Street Jam! With a resident population of only 5000 people, community style.

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Yu Shoji wins 2023 UCI World Championship in Glasgow

Congratulations to Yu Shoji taking home the rainbow jersey to Japan with a huge win here at the UCI World Championship here in Glasgow, Scotland! Yu was followed on the podium by Kio Hayakawa and Matthias Dandois. Amazing level in the final, with everyone throwing down for the title.

Owen Bohn wins 2023 UrbanRuralRide + Full final results

What an awesome weekend at the annual Urbanruralride in Saint Yan, France. This is one of the best contests on the calendar, congratulations to Owen Bohn winner of Pro class, the final four battle was intense!

Also, congratulations to Aude Cassagne winner of the Women’s Class, Jean Michel Chauvel winner of Veteran, Nils Buyse who took his first win in Masters, and Mathis Valade who made a huge stride from last place last year at this contest to first place this year, and in both qualifying and finals. Big scene in France, seventy riders in total competed, this is a real community event with a lot of love, and passion put into it and it shows! Look out for a repo later in the week.

Jam Circle Pre-jam by Jim McKay

Weeks on from the Jam Circle weekend, and still amazing footage and edits coming through. Case in point here with Jim Mckay’s Pre jam edit featuring the likes of Jean Francois Boulianne, Pete Brandt, Terry Adams, Omari Cato, Art Thomason, Scott Powell, Sietse van Berkel, Benjamin Hudson, Jean William Prevost and so many more.

Repo: Chimera A-Side Day 1

Repo + Photos: Effraim + Jean William Prevost.

Hello everyone!

** As some of you will know, I like to do day to day repos whilst I’m away judging events. I have already a lot of questions about a livestream, I will do my best to answer those in the next few days before the contest goes down!

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Raw Fise Montpellier 2022 Practise Footage

I’ve been sat on these clips on my phone for a few months now, rather than dump them for no one to see. I thought I would try my hand at a raw edit filmed in practise in between judging duties, from the Fise Montpellier event featuring Yu Shoji, Sietse van Berkel, Matthias Dandois, Kio Hayakawa, Toon Pakphum, Masato Ito, and Moto Sasaki.


Ultimate Flatland League Demo Video

There is a real buzz in the flatland community about the Ultimate Flatland League starting this year, and with uncertain times very much here with what will happen in the future with the Covid 19 pandemic. You can well understand why, Martti Kuoppa has been working hard on a demo video to showcase in more detail how the event will work.

Over to the Boss:

I have received a great amount of super good feedback about the Ultimate Flatland League online video competition. Many thanks again everyone!
I decided to put together a demo video of all rounds to demonstrate the UFL format more clearly:
Round 1: Ground Tactics non-edited full run (Toon demonstrates it in this video)
Round 2: Master Of Creativity best trick / best combo round (Sietse Van Berkel´s one trick from 2020 MOC)
Round 3: MK Format Live battle. This is captured from a real Zoom battle. (Terry Adams and Toon). The final battle of UFL will be screen recorded and the finalists are asked to use another camera (HD quality) to film the run they perform during the live battle. That is for 2 good reasons: The make sure that if the internet connection is lost there is still the proof for the run and for the post production I need to have much better quality video than what today´s live video calls are offering. The instructions will be a lot more detailed than this but will send them to the ones who are going to ride in the finals. Also, more detailed info will be sent to everyone who are participating the Round 1.

Big thanks to all sponsors of the first Ultimate Flatland League:

This competition will be judged by:
Effraim Catlow
Sebastian Grubinger
York Uno

It looks like I will be limiting the registrations to 30 riders per category so if you have not signed up yet, now it is time to do so:

Thank you!

Martti Kuoppa

The 2020 Flatmattersonline Year End Awards Nominations Are……..

It’s time as promised to announce the 2020 Flatmattersonline Year end awards nominations,
I felt there was a lot to say about the awards and the year, which a lot of the time doesn’t get covered under the previous text announcement format.

So, I attempted to make a makeshift studio feel in my front room during lockdown 3.0, and present the nominations, and share my feelings on the year as well as the reader choices.
Congratulations to everyone who was nominated, and thank you to everyone who took the time to vote.

Winners announced: Sunday 24th January.

* If you don’t want to watch the whole show, you can skip through parts using the timestamps.


00:00 FM Title Screen
00:07 Effraim introduces the FM Year end award nominee show
00:56 Reader Choice Rider of the Year
04:59 Reader Choice Edit of the Year
8:07 Reader Choice Most Progressive Rider
11:38 Reader Choice Contest Run of the Year
15:12 Reader Choice Breakthrough Rider of the Year
19:33 Effraim introduces the Editorial Awards
20:50 Editorial Choice Rider of the Year
27:33 Editorial Choice Edit of the Year
31:06 Editorial Choice Most Progressive Rider
35:55 Editorial Choice Outstanding Contribution
39:37 Editorial Choice Line of the Year / Flatmattersonline Exclusive of the Year
46:06 Effraim Outro

Thanks for watching and listening!

Flatmattersonline / Effraim Catlow.