Lil Doses #9 from Doses Flatland on Vimeo.
Today is a good day for edits, well actually….. Lil Doses #9 is a full length flatland video by Adam Guild that deserves your attention. What I especially like about this feature is that the riding is not reserved only for the elite. The riding content covers expert level through to pro level riding featuring Scott Hagnas, George Manos, Giannis Caterllis, Pedro Melo, Dax Wolford, Michael Shao, David Walters, Alejandro Marques, Adam Guild, Dan Hamilton, Bri Welch, Anthony Schneidewind, Louis Orth, Erin Fricke, Joe Cicman, Rodney Williams, Francis Chase Santos, Rosey Taylor, Jay Marley, Kevin Howell, Juan Carlos Moronta, Ramón Lopez Colon, Thiago BB, Robert Victoria, Lindsey Bode, Art Thomason, and Bryan Huffman. Lil Doses #9 runs for 1:19, when you have the time give this one a watch. Props to Adam Guild putting this one together!
* Pedro Medina. Rest in Peace – this one is for you.
Bryan Huffman’s section includes a HuffPacker
Must Watch.
Giannis, you ruled in this!!!!! Thank you for being part of it.That upside step over to backward backpacker ..I was yelling in my house like it was bar of people watching world cup soccer. lol.
Ahaha!yeah i can imagine that bar situation,happens to me too!he!Thank you very much Adam for inviting me to such a great project.Amazing work man!!Back to rewatch…
Thanks for invite me Adam! Props for all on video! I imagine a hard work put everything done! Awesome!!!!!
Thiago,you are always welcome . Thank you for being a big part of the last few videos.
Thanks Adam! That was fun to sit down Christmas afternoon and watch over a pint or 2!
Thank you for being part of it!
Nice job Adam, thank you for this video!
I liked the mix between different styles, generations and levels…
And also the vhs/dvd format is really enjoyable… 5 min edits are cool, but it’s also cool to watch 1h20 of good riding.
Great riding from all the riders!
Thank you!!!!!!
Dax Worlford killed it for real…awesome tune to boot!!Cant stop watching lil doses…everytime i discover something new!
This project was SO rad to have been a part of , GRACIAS -TIMES 7 , Mr. SWITCH/ PEDAL elephant glide , MID-LINE , circa 1996 = Adam Guild !!! Cant believe how HUGE this film became , right @ the LAST minute . Riders , LOADS of em , just sending Adam their video clips left ,right and centre ! What started as a tiny spark of an idea …..meaning ,it was just gonna be a 5 to 7 minute edit of Adam / myself , trading off combos………..ended in a full on HOUR and TWENTY minute bmx film . Kinda like a late 90s bmx video …..long , with lots of DIVERSE riding AND music , WITH a CORE by BMXERS for BMXERS feel AND vibe to the editing and overall theme , from start to finish ! Totally resembles an older Ellsworth Watson , aka ELLS BELLS film , like Ring The Gack , Dope Ammo , or even Glote , just with WAAAAAAAAAY more riders showcased ! Guild seriously worked his ass off putting this together , namely because of riders like………my wack ass , hahaha , sending him all my video clips , @ the LAST minute , as I accidently always do , since the last 4 DOSES bmx film that hes graciously given me the HONOR to be in . Adam seriously , like LOCKS himself down in his editing room for like 18 HOUR sessions , perfecting , tweaking , and putting HIS own personal touch into EVERY DOSES bmx film . Hes done that ,since the very FIRST one , back in , I think late 1997 ! Since watching the FIRST one , as well as ALL of em , up to part 3 , when I friend requested Adam Guild on F.B. …….I was ALWAYS a HUGE fan of his DOSES bmx films , like Ells Bells , Chad Johnston , Bobby Carter , Jeff Derosche , Kierran Chapman , Jason Brown -R.I.P. , etc ,etc …….all these bmxers videos that were made since the late 90s…..the DOSES bmx series have ALWAYS been SLLLLLLLAAAAAAAMMMMED , and really a treat to sit back and watch ,AND be motivated to RIDE your BIKE , directly afterwards , from being friggin STOKED ,on the film ! Guild was juggling TWO full time jobs , a barely healed broken thumb , taking care of his family , dealing with CONSTANT broken frames , bike parts …..he rides TONS , still , throwing down WEEKLY personal progression edits …….AND recruiting bmxers NON -STOP for his DOSES bmx films ……WHILE learning , filming , and checking off ALL the ENDLESS tricks , variations , links on THE LIST ……his personal trick list , that hes been adding onto , just about EVERY week ……since 2013 , hahaha , his bucket list bmx trick goals , if you will !! AGAIN …..THANKS , TIMES 7 , Adam ! Its been kinda surreal to me , being in the last DOSES bmx films from part 4 through 9 ! TRULY a honor , and HIGHLIGHT of riding bmx , all these MANY moons , haha !! SAALLLLLUD , Adam Guild ………AND Giannis ! YOUR part !!!! EPIC , campeon ! You DID say……to just wait till the stuff Im saving for LIL DOSES PART 9…… were SPOT ON , cabrone , even AFTER the 106 edits you’ve hammered down , since 2014……..ya STILL had a lot of ORIGINAL gems , concepts for some SLLLLLAAAMMM DOZERED links , for LIL DOSES PART 9 , ya DELIVERD / FULL STOP , on your bike , man ! Now, BACK to watching your part AGAIN ! Also , correct , Giannis ……LIL DOSES PART 9 , watching it , ALL the DIVERSE riding styles in it…… DO find / discover something NEW from EVERY bmxer , as ya RE-WATCH it , the second , third time around ! Bruuuuuuuvvvvvv………some of the stuff took me FOREVER to film , haha ! Cant imagine what filming was like for every other rider in the film , being that the level of tricks/ lines was VERY , VERY high in this film ! DOSES ! DOSER ! DOSED ! 2019…………..AND upcoming 2020 ! KEEP riding / ripping yalls STYLZ on yall bikes everyone , to make the 2020 DOSES BMX film……..even MORE wild-style , to leave our bmx MARK / STAMP , on 2020 !!!!!
AGAIN , Thanks Adam Guild for allowing me to be a part of Doses 9 ! Its so crazy just how this video project was planned at first by Adam and I……..instead of being a small 7 minutes edit , us trading combos back and forth……It turned into a HUGE , FULL LENGTH film ,with LOOOOOAAADS of riders across the globe contributing their footage , and bruuuuuuuuv , did this joint GO OFF , TIMES 7 . Shout out to F.B. , for real , haha . So many TOP riders featured ….Art Thomason , Dax Wolford , Giannis Caternellis , Michael Shao , George Manos , Ramon Lopez , Pedro Melo , Bri Welch , Robert Victoria , Rosey Taylor , etc ,etc…….and OF COURSE ….ADAM GUILD , the man behind the editing ….he SLLLAAAAAAMMMMED DOWN some serious links for his super dope section in this ! Having my section connected to Joe Cicman , his section……THAT was the icing on the flatland cake , haha . Cicman , his original rolling lines RULE ! This was such a good time , filming for it , even though …it took me like 4 months , off and on , haha….then …. watching the finished product on Christmas Eve , hell bruv…… momma even checked it out , hahahaha ! Gracias again , Adam Guild and Big-E ! DOSES , DOSER , and as Adam always says…….DOSED !!!