Old School Sundays: AFA Masters Round 7 / 1988

It’s always good to know the history of our sport/artform that we all love, this weeks OSS is just over 22 minutes long. Its not like most of us don’t have the time to watch this right? Featuring Dennis McCoy who has the standout run, (pulling double backward whiplashes to funky chicken across the Velodrome floor at 3:21 followed by a Dump truck to backwards decade), plus Eddie Fiola, Martin Aparijo, Woody Itson and Chris Lashua. Really enjoyed this, Dennis’ run though!!!

Old School Sundays – 1988 AFA Masters Pro Class

It’s been a few weeks, so lets make this a good one from the archives. Let’s go back to 1988, and some rad footage from the Pro Class at the 88 AFA Masters in Carson, California featuring Dennis McCoy, Martin Aparijo, Woody Itson, Chris Lashua and more.

Repo: The 2019 One Love Jam

Text: Effraim.
Photos: Effraim, Juan Lopez, Bobby Carter.

The 9th annual One Love Jam in Newport Beach, California was lived up to all the hype I have heard over the years. We were staying around an hour away in Corona, and I believe it was James McGraw who said “it will be sunny at the beach Effraim”. I remember thinking “yeah yeah, that’s not going to happen”, low and beyond we arrive at picture perfect Newport Beach and the sunshine is booming, girls in bikinis everywhere, hockey players, and a fast smooth newly resurfaced riding spot which is large enough to hold 120 riders pretty comfortably with a California beach backdrop.

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Doses 5

DOSES 5 from Jay Marley on Vimeo.

Full videos are a rare thing these days, when you have an hour to kill. Sit down and grab a cuppa and enjoy Doses 5 with a cast that are not generally featured online all that much, Does 5 features: Peter Barlow, Fernando Novak, Jay Marley, Matt Thomas, Rosey Taylor, Will Abrahms, Eric Evans, Dax Wolford, Indy Armstrong, Mike Alvarez, Martin Aparijo, Opie Caylor, Ryan Nuines, Sean Porter, Adam Guild, Rodney Williams, David Walters, Scott Hagnas, Thiago Baby, Rob Miller, and Lindsey Bode. Props to Adam Guild putting this one together!

Old School Sundays – (1987) AFA Masters Finals: Socco Freestyle Championship

Scott Breithaupt and Ron Stebanne host the 1987 AFA Masters Finals show for this weeks OSS, featuring great contest footage for all you old school heads from the likes of Dennis McCoy, Martin Aparijo, RL Osborn and much more. Classic!

Vans US Open Demo FT Matthias Dandois, Martin Aparijo, Gabe Weed and more!

Juan Lopez was on hand to document a sweet flatland demo with so many generations of riders! From Martin Aparijo, Gabe Weed through to Vans rider, Voodoo jam winner Matthias Dandois and many more! Feel the Cali vibe right on the beach in Huntington!

Martin Aparijo Interview! Old School Sunday Special!

Intro: Effraim.
Interview: Fred Penner + Guests.

Something a ‘lil different for this weeks OSS! To celebrate one of flatlands early pioneers 50th birthday! Fred Penner had the great idea to interview, The Chairman, Martin Aparijo for a Flatmatters Old School Sundays Special. Fred also invited the flatland community to ask questions to the man, and this is the result! Thanks Fred and the flatland community, this came out awesome!

Fred Penner: Biggest crowd you have ever performed in front of and where do you see flatland in 10 years, 20 years? What is Martin Aparijo’s life all about these days?
The biggest crowd was between 30,000 and 70,000 at the Anaheim stadium and Bercy stadium in France.
Right now there is no limit to where flatland freestyle can go. Dream big people.
My life is busy, busy, busy. Many things to be revealed.

Tod Miller: What are you most proud of in your Freestyle career? Do you watch modern flatland, and what do you think about it?
Most proud of the ability to still ride at my age.
Of course I watch modern flatland and I think it’s awesome and amazing.

Darold Innes: Being a pioneer in the sport, how many tricks did he invent and who and or what were his influences in the early days? How many sponsors did he have, which were his faves? What was the money like in the early days?
I’ve invented many tricks. I love to see people do front wheel grabs and lawn mowers. and vertical flatland tricks. I always have loved the cherry picker and chicken hook switch.
Back in the day we had up to 8 to10 sponsors; our main factory sponsor and co-sponsors. We made good money for riding a bike.

Mark Dandridge: What is the one most single stand out moment in your years of riding?
When I helped GT complete the #1 position across the board in every category. All riders did their job. BMX, trials, and freestyle.

David Larocca: I would ask what was happening in his life when he stopped competing?
From the time I stopped competing I continued doing shows nationwide for Vans and Gale Webb and also did TV and commercials.

Hugo Marin: What nationality (ethnicity) is he? What trick took him the longest time to learn. What trick did he always wanted to learn but didn’t/couldn’t? Worst injuries?
My nationality: I’m a mutt. HUGE MIXTURE.
I always wanted to learn nose manuals.

Worst injury?
Broken jaw.

Jeremy Jones: Ask the Chairman this: Would you ever consider showing up to a contest and compete in the Veteran Class?!? What is your favourite old school trick?
I’m not interested in competing again, but always open to opportunities.

Favourite old school trick?
180 to slider to backward wheelie to decade.

Patrice Appere: Among the foreign countries you’ve discovered while you’ve been doing shows “around the world”, what is your favourite?
Japan, France, and Mexico.

Todd Carter: There are already a number of great questions here, but here are a couple of others in case you need them. How did riding the Huntington Beach boardwalk influence your riding style? What was is like filming the opening and closing sequences in the iconic film Rad?
Huntington Beach to this day is still my favorite spot; so many great memories and great crowds.
The Movie Rad was just Rad. You had to be there to really understand. Too hard to put into words.

Jesse Puente: Do you still ride? Do you still Breakdance? 🙂 Do you still have the hair tail? What’s the future of Flatland to you?
Still ride. No breaking. No long tail.
The future of flatland is Bright. Allow no limits!

Robert Castillo: Any do overs? What’s your greatest accomplishment as a flatlander? What did Gary Turner & Rich Long mean to you (founders of GT BMX)? How did you feel when you first got a magazine cover? Favourite old school rider? Any tricks you invented but never could learn? What’s the next chapter I’m your life gonna be?
No do overs. I lived it and enjoyed it. I would not change a thing.
Gary Turner and Rich Long changed my life and for that I’ll always be thankful.
I’ve had many covers and they all were special.
My favorite old school rider: Steve Bennett.
I never learned bar ride kick spin but it’s never too late.
Next chapter in life is to… I’ll get back to you on that but do what’s in your heart and do it with all you got. You only got one life.

Thanks Martin! Was great catching up with you! Happy 50th Birthday!!!

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