Watch Out For Robots from Diversion TV on Vimeo.
Stoked today to host the World premiere of “Watch out for Robots”, go watch this right now!
“In the worldwide BMX flatland scene it is common to see riders with similar styles and tricks. Every so often a trendy style will come along and result in copycat riders. Ultimately, being original or having your own style becomes one of the top priorities of most riders. In the American scene the vast distances between riders creates a vast difference in riding styles. Being original is a goal and badge of honor for these riders. It can be an easy trap to fall for, to ride like someone else you admire. But be original. Be yourself. Don’t be a copycat. And, WATCH OUT FOR ROBOTS.”
A film by Steven Lapsley featuring Lindsey Bode, Bobby Burge, Bobby Carter, Omari Cato, Joe Cicman, Mickey Gaidos, Pedro Melo and Art Thomason.
Huge shout out to these riders who killed it. Also want to recognize the filmers. Great job all around from these guys.
Effraim thanks for sharing this and being a hub we can all come to to watch these types of videos.
Go out there and be original today!
Steven, this was really Dope! Thanks for all the hard work!
Thanks I appreciate that!
Wow Steve! What a good job putting this together. Thanks for doing all the work to make a great flatland vid that can be appreciated being watched start to finish. Sick stuff. Rad riding. Thank you again for showing the flat love from both sides of the camera.
Wow BZ! Thanks
Thanks for putting this together!! Always stoked to check out anything with Pedro because you know you’re going to see some new tricks.
Really impressed by Lindsey’s section, he’s been progressing a ton and him riding to that Sole track was super sick (love that album). Real tight section, powerful riding.
Wow Peter thanks so much. Lindsey killed his section (as well as all the riders). Really stoked you enjoyed it.
Bobby Burge all day!
Yessir! Impressive/original
You’re preaching to the choir . I’ve known Bobby and ridden bikes with him for decades…….and his section TOTALLY caught me off guard with all of his new , just learned on the spot tricks. Not to mention they’re HIS moves AND N.B.D.s…..nuff said.
Times 7 , Morgan . I second and third your statement . I’ve been droning on about his riding to every and anyone in Flatland , hell bruv….. ALL of BMX in general . I’ve seen his originality , difficulty , and creativity on his bike since 2014ish . Even heard these mythical tales of his riding way back when I was the 8th grade , ha. ” There’s this cat doing fire hydrant to spinning steam roller ! ” I heard that in summer of 1988 from a crew of riders from the subdivision across from mine. I’ve seen the SECOND arrival of Bobby Burge since 2014ish when he started CREATING his very own riding style . To put this on a much bigger scale . You KNOW you’re doing something extremely special when Alex Jumelin tells you in person every time you see him ……….AND when Jean William Prevost =DUB does the same , messages you , then posts your contest run ( Bobby’s Tulsa A.F.A. run. ) on his You Tube channel and his I.G.I. social media ….Bobby rules . Just wait , Morgan …..another heavy surprise awaits . Thank you , Morgan for noticing and your comment about mi amigo…..
Great riding!
Pedro Melo never ceases to amaze, rewatched his part at least 5X now …
Pedro Melo = the BMX version of the water bender . ( watch the movie to get that reference .)
Great video . Thank you , Steve for this and all the riders for really pushing their level on their bikes. So many important, new details within everyone’s lines . Not to mention personal N.B.D.s that just progressed the art / sport . Effraim , this should be stickied @ the top of this site for months . It’s THAT rad of a video to me , seriously . A definite MUST WATCH and heavy contender for video of the year . Reminds me of the good ole days of new full lengths dropping on V.H.S., back in the 90s that are still great today, in 2023 . This one will STILL be good in 2053. The music also ruled ……and again , the riding from everyone was as superb / slammed as one could ask for…… really out did yourself , Steve . Salud.
Wow Rodney. Thanks for all the positive feedback! Glad you enjoyed it!
Art Thomason got it slammed also with some of the most intense, all momentum , technical ,and hammer time switches, that ya never see coming as he going through those lethal cliffhanger / hitchhiker lines……..Art seriously went in 177 % with every line . Front AND back wheel ……exactly why he’s been an elite since 1998…….Lindsey is better on his stem than his pegs . ( how ?! ) He has some serious weapon moves that were more like stuff you’d see @ a best trick contest . Everone rider just got their full on seeezzzzz out . ( meaning , brought out their new , best , signature stuff on their bikes. )
Great video, stoked to go ride now! Well done, and glad you decided to make another one Stephen!!
Thanks so much Scott. All the riders and I are super pumped hearing all the feedback like yours. Getting stoked to go ride because of a video is what this is all about. I still get pumped to ride watching Euthanasia! One of the reasons I decided to make videos.