Jason Forde: Spoke / Confront your Fears

Something a lil’ different today, Jason Forde teamed up with Film director, Ted Clarke to bring us a short flatland film.

Over to Jason:

“We have all been there, feeling scared or overwhelmed by something that seems bigger than us. But we can’t let our fears control us or stop us from living our best lives. We have to face them head on and do what we need to do to overcome them. Sometimes that means saying sorry to someone we hurt, or letting go of something that is holding us back. Life is too short to waste it on regrets or worries. We have to be happy and grateful for what we have, and not let anything distract us from our goals. We have to be brave and strong, and not let pain or fear stop us from enjoying the ride.”

Repo: TGM Jam 2022

Repo + Photos: Effraim, Matti Hemmings, Miguel Pargas.

It’s hard not to get nostalgic going back to The Green Mile, it turns out it’s been 5-6 years since I was last at this legendary riding spot for the UK flatland scene (search TGM on the sidebar of the website to see what I am talking about.
Yinka Thomas threw down a jam last weekend, with the help of Jason Forde and my schedule was for once free so attending the jam was a no brainer.
The forecast wasn’t looking too great, but it was worth the risk as it os October after all you just never know. As it turns out the weather forecast was pretty much bang on, with two heavy showers throughout the day enough for the ground not to dry all day.

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Must Watch: James White/ Fifty Shades of White

As James White celebrates his 50th birthday, he does in it style with this amazing retrospective mix of his riding career so far, including input from the likes of Pete Brandt, Lincoln Blacksley, Amos Burke, Jesse Puente, Chase Gouin, Jason Forde, and many more. I am on the third watch now, and notice different things within his edit that had me stoked, and had me crying with laughter, straight up Flatland at it’s best!

There is only one edit to watch today!

Happy 50th birthday James!


Let’s face it, flatlanders social distance everyday. It’s nothing new for us, flatland has come into it’s own during the Covid-19 pandemic and helped us all stay sane. And with lockdown somewhat easing, it’s ideal in a lot of ways to get out riding.
Jason Forde got together with some UK heads to document a line each during the pandemic for a project he calls “distancing”, featuring Jason Forde, Kevin Browne, James White, Miguel Pargas, Remus Simion and Josh Briars. Enjoy this one if you missed it on Instagram last night, rad riding and tune!

Throwback Thursdays – TGM No Frills Jam 2008

Great memories from 2008 and jamming with the UK crew at the TGM riding spot in West Norwood. I haven’t watched this edit in a few years until yesterday, featuring Jason Forde, myself Effraim Catlow, Phil Dolan, and a big section from Sam Foakes which starts at the 3:36 mark. Well worth a rewind!

UK Flatland Championships – Wheels And Fins Festival

Nice lil edit by Yinka Thomas from this weekends Wheels and Finns Festival, Round 1 of the UK Flatland Championships featuring the likes of Dominik Nekolny, Lee Musselwhite, James White, Alex Jumelin, Jason Forde, Steve Green, Andy Hale, Trevor Lacey, Johann Chan, Remuis Simion, and Amos Burke! Good times in Joss Bay, Kent, roll on next weekend for Round 2 at the Cycle Show at the NEC!!

Wheels & Finns Festival Day 3


What an epic weekend over at the Wheels and Finns Festival in Joss Bay, Kent. After two days at the event, most of the hard work was done. We woke up to blue skies, and with the festival being so close to the beach, meant only one thing. Chilled breakfast on the beach, before the day really got started!

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