UK Flatland BMX Championships 2017 – The Battle Is On!

UK Flatland BMX Championships 2017 – The Battle Is On! from UKFlatlandBMXChampionships on Vimeo.

Plenty to look forward to here in the UK for 2017! Peep this slick short teaser Matti Hemmings helped put together from Round 2 featuring winner Dominik Nekolny, James White, Phil Dolan, Andy Hale, Francisco Pekeno, Dino Jeffers and more.

Lookback: June – The 2016 Flatmattersonline Year End Awards

June got off to a banger with Quentin Pelorson’s Seeking Part 3 edit on June 2nd. From the opening downside whiplash pedal 5 stepped beautifully into x-ft halfpacker, this edit really caught my attention. Quite possibly my favourite line is at the 1:13 mark, I’ve already rewinded this part twice to work out what happened, I could go on and on here.

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UK Flatland Championships – Wheels And Fins Festival

Nice lil edit by Yinka Thomas from this weekends Wheels and Finns Festival, Round 1 of the UK Flatland Championships featuring the likes of Dominik Nekolny, Lee Musselwhite, James White, Alex Jumelin, Jason Forde, Steve Green, Andy Hale, Trevor Lacey, Johann Chan, Remuis Simion, and Amos Burke! Good times in Joss Bay, Kent, roll on next weekend for Round 2 at the Cycle Show at the NEC!!

Wheels & Finns Festival Day 3


What an epic weekend over at the Wheels and Finns Festival in Joss Bay, Kent. After two days at the event, most of the hard work was done. We woke up to blue skies, and with the festival being so close to the beach, meant only one thing. Chilled breakfast on the beach, before the day really got started!

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