
Let’s face it, flatlanders social distance everyday. It’s nothing new for us, flatland has come into it’s own during the Covid-19 pandemic and helped us all stay sane. And with lockdown somewhat easing, it’s ideal in a lot of ways to get out riding.
Jason Forde got together with some UK heads to document a line each during the pandemic for a project he calls “distancing”, featuring Jason Forde, Kevin Browne, James White, Miguel Pargas, Remus Simion and Josh Briars. Enjoy this one if you missed it on Instagram last night, rad riding and tune!

Lookback: June – The 2016 Flatmattersonline Year End Awards

June got off to a banger with Quentin Pelorson’s Seeking Part 3 edit on June 2nd. From the opening downside whiplash pedal 5 stepped beautifully into x-ft halfpacker, this edit really caught my attention. Quite possibly my favourite line is at the 1:13 mark, I’ve already rewinded this part twice to work out what happened, I could go on and on here.

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