“To document, share and progress”, the mission statement if you like of Flatmattrsonline has remained consistent since FM’s birth in 2008. As I wondered what I can produce to celebrate our 16th anniversary, I asked around a few friends as I always do for some feedback. One of the ideas was to showcase 16 highlights throughout the years, that idea stuck in my head for a few days before I started going through the archives and thinking this had a nice feel to it.
I enjoyed going through content I had forgotten about, and I thought you at home would do also.

It’s hard to fathom its been 16 years being Flatmatters, I appreciate all the support I have been receiving especially recently. It seems as I am pretty much the only consistent the only flatland website, riders seem to appreciate the work that goes into running the site much more.

It would be interesting to hear back from you at home, what are some of your most memorable moments?

*The actual anniversary was Saturday 30th November, which I missed being at work all day.

I’ve added website links and videos as well for a reference for you all.
Here we I go! Thank you Flatland for 16 amazing years!

Flatmattersonline To document, share and progress!!


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King of Concrete 1999 Open Practise

Chris Carter just sent this this rad blast from the past, open practise from the 1999 King of Concrete at Southsea Skatepark featuring the likes of Alex Jumelin, Martti Kuoppa, Michael Sommer, Gernot Ibounig, (myself) Effraim Catlow, Sam Foakes, Lee Musselwhite, Chris Carter,James Needham, and so many more riders. As you will see, the sessions were so busy!

Throwback Thursdays: Circle Cow 2008

Great blast from the past for this weeks TBT, the Circle Cow contest on the suburbs of Paris was always a great event. Tons of quality riding in this one from the likes of Raphael Chiquet, James White, Alex Jumelin, Matthias Dandois (Steam jump over frame, boomerang to halfpacker at 2:13!), Sam Foakes (the line at 4:11!), and many more. Go watch this, loved these edits from Global Flat back in the day.

Decade of Flatland: 2010/2020 / Part 2

Intro/Questions: Effraim.
Photos: Pierre Gauthier, Matti Hemmings & Mizo.

Part 1 of my Decade on Flatland piece caused quite a stir amongst the flatland community. It is healthy to hear the opinions of how are art form/sport progressed over the last ten years. In my mind, it’s thought provoking, and gets you thinking about your own personal riding. In Part 2, I fire the same questions as Part 1 to X-foot pivot master Bruno Zebu, Mr Same Thing Daily himself, Dane Beardsley, and Sam Foakes, who has discarded the traditional pumping mid-trick technique for pretty much the last decade. The opinions contrast from Part 1, once again grab a cuppa and treat yourself. I am really enjoying putting these articles together, hope you enjoy reading them.

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Throwback Thursdays – TGM No Frills Jam 2008

Great memories from 2008 and jamming with the UK crew at the TGM riding spot in West Norwood. I haven’t watched this edit in a few years until yesterday, featuring Jason Forde, myself Effraim Catlow, Phil Dolan, and a big section from Sam Foakes which starts at the 3:36 mark. Well worth a rewind!

Repo: UK Flatland Championships


Text: Effraim.
Photos: Matti Hemmings.

Nothing but good vibes this past weekend at the UK Flatland Championships in Birmingham. I made the trip up by train on the Friday, with just one change at Southampton, the train is on the doorstep to the Birmingham NEC venue.

When I arrived Matti was already dialled in with banners set up, PA ready, just the floor to clean again, and judging sheets to organise which I was one of my jobs to do. I’m still injured so I watched as Matti, TGM Maz and Chris Brook enjoyed an empty floor. Mario wanted to arrive early and get used to the fast floor, and even learnt a nice new line, flail boomerang to hang 5, looking forward to seeing how he develops that move. in the future. Chris coasted no footed manuals across the floor with ease and Matti who was suffering with a bad back was working on stemrollers.

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Throwback Thursdays – Nass 2008

NASS 08 PRO BMX FLATLAND from TGM Maz on Vimeo.

Tomorrow the 2016 World Championships begins at the NASS festival, as good a time as any to go back to 2008 for this weeks throwback featuring Sam Foakes, Matthias Dandois, yours truly Effraim Catlow, Alex Jumelin, Keelan Phillips, enjoy!

MapleVibes Hype – Toronto March 4/6th 2016

The annual Toronto contest is around a month away, book your tickets now for what is widely regarded as the curtain raiser for the international contest scene each year! Thanks to Joe Cicman for putting together this hype edit for the event organised by the Canadian Freestyle Organisation, this year the event had a rebrand and is now called Maple Vibes. Jean William Prevost has taken the win in Toronto three years in a row, can he make it a 4peat?



Throwback Thursdays – Voodoo Pre Jam 2008

Voodoo Pre Jam 2008 from Erik Otto on Vimeo

It’s all about Voodoo jam this weekend. This week we go back to the pre jam at Voodoo 2008 featuring Dominik Nekolny, Hiro Morizaki, York Uno, Hidekazu Kuga, Yohei Uchino, Terry Adams and Sam Foakes killing it! Love this edit from Erik Otto!