Continuing on the X Games dedication theme, here is the finals coverage from the 1999 X Games in San Francisco. Where Trevor Meyer took the win (and gives us a breakdown of his run), followed by Phil Dolan and Nathan Penonzek.
Tag Archives: Phil Dolan
Throwback Thursdays: Flatland Manifesto #1 / 2001
Man, I miss Flatland Manifesto! Shane Neville put so much work into these flatland video magazines, if you missed these it really is worth your time to sit down, and take all this in.Thank you Shane! Issue 1 featured the La Revolution from Toronto, How to Pinky with Cory Stratychuk, ESPN B3 in Anaheim, California (this section rules!), Art Thomason Interview and more. So much good riding, 19 years ago. Wow!
Throwback Thursdays – Carhartt Flatland Jam 2001
This weeks TBT is dedicated to the Carhartt flatland jam that went down at the Jugendpark in Koln, Germany. Featuring so much amazing riding still to this day from the likes of Hiroya Morizaki, James White, Phil Dolan, Alexis Desolneux, yours truly Effraim Catlow, Chad Degroot, Lee Musselwhite, Matti Rose, Frank Lucas, Michael Sommer, Michael Steingraeber and many more., Throwback gold today on Flatmattersonline this morning. I took a lot out of watching this one back and sure you will do too!
Throwback Thursdays with Intrikat Blend
When you look back at all Chad Johnston has done for flatland and the riders that featured and made their names on his videos, the man deserves some kind of award. This morning I started watching Intrikat Blend again for the first time in a while and it immediately took me back to that era of riding, with amazing riding from Martti Kuoppa, Ross Smith, Phil Dolan, Andrew Arroyo, Jesse Puente, Matt Ward, Ed Nussbaum, and Chad himself. The whole video flows like a mixtape, I would urge you to watch the whole thing, inspiration. Thank you Chad for everything you have done for the flatland culture if you are reading this.
Throwback Thursdays – Worlds Portimao 1998
An absolute belter from the archives for this weeks Throwback Thursdays that was originally filmed by Colin Smith and later edited by Claybom from Brazil. Great riding from the likes of Martti Kuoppa, Andrew Faris, Day Smith, Phil Dolan, Michael Steingraber, Akira Okamura, Marton Szilagyi, Alexis Desolneux, Effraim Catlow, Nathan Penonzek, and many more, this is a good watch!
Throwback Thursdays – X Games 2000
With the X Games going down this weekend in Minneapolis, USA. It seems like as good a time as any to rewind the clock 17 years to the year 2000. And a win for Martti Kuoppa that really set the tone for years to come, with also great riding from Trevor Meyer, Alex Jumelin, Michael Steingraeber, Nathan Penonzeck, Andrew Faris, and Phil Dolan.
Throwback Thursdays – TGM No Frills Jam 2008
Great memories from 2008 and jamming with the UK crew at the TGM riding spot in West Norwood. I haven’t watched this edit in a few years until yesterday, featuring Jason Forde, myself Effraim Catlow, Phil Dolan, and a big section from Sam Foakes which starts at the 3:36 mark. Well worth a rewind!
Madrid Worlds 1999
Kicking off Saturday’s posts, with another flashback from 1999. This time the World Championships in Madrid, Spain featuring Jimmy Petitet,Michael Sommer, Andrew Faris, Jason Brown, Phil Dolan, Nathan Penonzek.
UK Flatland BMX Championships 2017 – The Battle Is On!
UK Flatland BMX Championships 2017 – The Battle Is On! from UKFlatlandBMXChampionships on Vimeo.
Plenty to look forward to here in the UK for 2017! Peep this slick short teaser Matti Hemmings helped put together from Round 2 featuring winner Dominik Nekolny, James White, Phil Dolan, Andy Hale, Francisco Pekeno, Dino Jeffers and more.
Throwback Thursdays – X Games 1999
Why not run with a X Games throwback this week, being that it is all on my mind thanks to the ESPN April fools. This week we go back to 1999, In San Francisco, I personally competed in this event, great times in Nor Cal! Hit play for some great riding from Nathan Penonzek, Phil Dolan, Trevor Meyer and many more.