AFA 2019 Overall Year End Rankings

Todd Carter over at AFA HQ Kindly sent over the year end rankings for the AFA 2019 Year end, congratulations to all the winners!
The AFA finals went down at Battle of the Rockies this weekend at the same time as Fise here in Chengdu. Stay tuned for the full results from this event.

1. Ava McGraw
2. Kim Klisiak
3. Coda McGraw

Old’s Cool
1. Bert Williams
2. Dan Hull
3. Todd Shoemaker

Expert Class
1. Ed Jodie*
2. Rennace Tomko*
3. Tony Schneidewind

*Ed and Rennace actually tied with the exact point totals.
Ed had two first place finishes and a second place.
Rennace had one first, and two seconds. Based on Ed’s two firsts, Ed was awarded first place.

Pro Class
1. Jean William Prevost
2. James McGraw
3. JF Boulianne

Mark Eaton also received a lifetime achievement from the AFA.

8 thoughts on “AFA 2019 Overall Year End Rankings

  1. Thanks Todd. And also curious about what very much looks like an SE Quadangle the lady Kendra is on. Is it a flat frame?

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