Battle in the Rockies 2015 Day 1


Yesterday I spent the day travelling to Denver, Colorado for the second annual Battle in the Rockies contest via Toronto, Canada. This trip is the beginning of three weeks off work, ending just after Level Vibes. Last year’s BITR was one of the best and most fun events I have ever attended, with the riders all staying at James McGraw’s house, it really did have a great feel and it’s something I will remember forever. Will James ride with his broken ankle?


James picked me up from the airport, and we headed to his workplace/riding spot he calls the Tintadome for a quick session with a few locals. One of my questions was immediately answered, James is riding with a broken ankle, taped up styles, and killed it at his spot considering his ankle.
Martti,Moto and Joe Cicman arrive later on today, Simon O’Brien is already in town for his brothers wedding, Dub and Jason Plourde arrive Thursday! We should be heading over to the contest venue in Denver later today. It’s a lovely day here in the Rockies!Feedback was good last year from my daily updates, so check back for plenty of updates from BITR!