Rumours have been circulating for a while that the annual BMX Cologne event would be cancelled this year, and it is now officially confirmed on their website. For many the BMX CGN event, was the highlight of the year! We hope it will this event with 30 years of history will be back next year! Sad news! Go and support your local/national grassroots events!
“After 30 years of BMX in the “Kölner Jugendpark” our motivation to organize this event has not changed. We always were driven by the passion for our sport BMX. To provide a platform where BMX is recognized as a sport and culture rather than a circus or stunt-show has always been in our focus. To show the variety that BMX has to offer has always been a main part of our concept. BMX at the Jugendpark has become a ritual to us and to thousands of BMX lovers from all over the world.
In 2015 the BMX CGN will take a break. It’s time for a concept overhaul and to give the venue the opportunity to improve its infrastructure to secure the future of BMX at this very special location. Since 2011 we have been facing higher standards and restrictions set by the City of Cologne year by year. Now it has reached a level that makes it impossible for us to proceed the way we did it in the past. We were working on solutions, but for this year’s event we are running out of time.
Nevertheless, we wish you an awesome BMX summer!! Thank you for the support over the last years & keep on riding!!”
So Glad i was there Last year! I went twice and it was amazing both times! The true flatland family!! I hope it returns and if not marisquiño in vigo should be the New yearly family reunión!! Bmx cgn forever!!