Rather than my regular Old School Sundays post, I am going to roll with this great find, Canadians Eh from the archives by Rodney Williams (and Tourbus thanks for uploading).
Released early 90’s featuring Andrew Faris, Jason Brown,Jamie Mcintosh, Dave Osato, Nathan Penonzek, Steve Roy and many more.
so so so good!!!!
THANX BIG E !!!! STOKED to have found this , ALWAYS wanted to see the riding footage of Farris/Brown right after they got on 2-HIP !!! They both were at the X-TRIALS in South Padre 96 , both were just DESTROYING the tennis courts…………………….ALL DAY !!!! I couldn’t believe ALL the stuff they were doing , they were both so driven/hungry , they only stopped riding just to watch Pro Park for like , not even an hour !!! They reminded me of a Canadian version of Kevin/Chase !!!! Jason/Farris/Nathan/Rigby were HUGE influences on me riding/long combo wise , I swore by every Canadians video , STILL LOOKING for CANADIANS 4 ALL over the net for YEARS now !!!!!!!
ALSO YOUR LAST COMBO in KHE PARADE/ ALL OF YOUR VIDEO PARTS , especially from 95-2002 were ALSO HUGE influences on my riding/long combo mentality , EXCEPT………….I CANT DO ANY OF THE HAMMERS/DIFFICULT moves youd throw in YOUR long combos , like brakeless TURBINE steam flap jack/BODY varials , BACKWARDS back packers pivot to X HIKER , MULTIPLE ONE HANDED PRESSURE FLIPS , etc , etc !!!!! DAMN , wish I had move like THOSE in my bland combos BIG E !!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAH !!!!!!!! Hope your knee heals up so you can RIP SHIT UP AS USUAL on your bike bruv !!!!!!!!!!!!
Always wanted to see this video back in the day! Obviously the flat riding is golden from the early Canadian invasion riders, but dude, those guys sending it over that little baby spine was hardcore as f*ck…