With the successful NASA ISS Space X Shuttle launch this past weekend, who better to launch into the 28th episode of the Flatmattersonline Exclusive than Mr NASA himself, Art Thomason!
Art is a long time Hoffman Bikes rider, and continues to progress his brakeless riding style at his riding spot at home in Texas.
Art tears this cliffhanger line a new one, with over a minute action packed switches and direction changes.. Really enjoyed this one, thank you Art for contributing to the culture.
Who’s got episode 29? Dropping Sunday 5pm GMT….
Bam..Art rules .That was rad.
My thoughts exactly , Adam ……ANOTHER contender for the Flatmattersonline.com- LINE OF 2020 ,YEAR END AWARDS ……..and just as Effraim stated ……Art SLLLAAAAAMMMZ down a HEAVY one ! For me it was many things in this combo that got me outta my chair , first time watching this……the fire haul , cross right single kick / pivot switch- bar flip . He JUST learned that like 2 WEEKS ago , haha . The immediate turbine switch hiker juggle …..and that’s DIRECTLY after boomeranging from a cliffhanger !! After that he boomerangs again , landing to another cross left fire haul , pumps for speed , flap jack turbines to his signature step over ONE handed to crack packer , holding the seat switch , rolls that to immediate step over , whip the frame to side packer …….I swear I thought he was done………NOPE !! Stepping back over those bars……I never saw the bar small spinning / turbine cliffhanger coming , to end an already crazy difficult link ! I was STOKED , bruv , and have been watching this over and over . I mean , c, mon Art you just finished training astronauts for the recent space mission a couple days ago ! Then ya just hit us with this brand new progressive combo that could be an ENDER to a video part , just casually uploading it , haha……..I even showed this to my mom , who I STILL live with , hahaha….Im a CAGA POLLO bmxer , like that , haha……….anyway Im excited about this combo . Its one thing to bust a long line……..a whole other DIFFERENT thing to bust a long line with back TO back TO back HARD tricks , variations , switches , etc , etc ………To me Akihiko Takahashi , Cory Fester , Justin Miller , Takuji Izumi , Terry Adams , Takahiro Enoki , are just a few riders who I think of on THAT particular topic……..Congrats , Art ….this is one BANGING line for 2020 , TIMES 7………..
I ride the same bike. I don’t ride at the same level. Fantastic riding Art.