Congratulations to the Big Daddy, Kevin Jones. Finally admitted to the BMX Hall of Fame this year, we all know this has long overdue to a long time. Thanks for everything Kevin!
Congratulations to the Big Daddy, Kevin Jones. Finally admitted to the BMX Hall of Fame this year, we all know this has long overdue to a long time. Thanks for everything Kevin!
These are old news….KEVIN is on Hall of Fame since DORKIN 1…..circa 1988!!!hehe!Congratulations to THE K….the Godfather of modern day flatland.Means a lot,especially to me…Thanks for sharing BIG E!
I agree Giannis
We all know that Giannis!
and it honestly couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, got to meet him at a couple York Jams the last few years, he’s low key & very humble when you speak with him. ALL HAIL THE K!!!
As he should be , TIMES 7 ! The entire world , we are ALL doing HIS tricks , positions , variations , etc ,etc ……..Giannis / Marley are SO right and speak FACTS ! Still remember seeing THE K , summer 91 in Austin . He was on tour with Wilkerson Airlines ( pre- 2 -Hip bike company . ) Ron was recovering from a water skiing accident and announcing . Bob Khol was ruling the entire street course . James Shepard was linking rad some rad combos . It was his birthday and he was riding the demo as a guest rider in brand new untied Airwalk kicks , haha……and THE K ? He SLLLAMMMED DOWN so much of HIS links , tricks flawlessly , non stop , without even breaking a sweat , haha…….only thing that stopped his flow was a LOOUUD front tire blow out after his 13 combo …..mind you that parking lot was ROUGH , UNEVEN , and SLANTED . THE K and Sheps STILL busted out ! I’ll never forget that day………..
Soooo lucky youve been hermano for watching THE K ripping on his demo…As you said.we are ALL doing his tricks,positions and variations still to this day including first of all myself…I dont understand why still some people are irritated when i say that Kevin shaped all riders scenes around the world….i dont get it.They cant stand the truth??Dont know….hey cabrone,that front tire blow that happend to the K was nothing in front of the blow that sounded that time of era with his evolutionary tricks…Talking about a BIG BANG action,amigo…hahahah!!Thanks for sharing your experience with the Big Daddy King RODNEY!!
You’re so welcome , Giannis ! It truly was a memorable day , TIMES 7 …..THE K was just hauling ass, flying through his hang five to no handed , scuff-screamer -shingle shuffles to START some of his combos , high speed death to dump trucks , and multiple whiplashes ( opposite ! ) to butter slip to John doughnut holes , butter slipped to side packers , etc ,etc…..he killed that demo ! Same as YOU , how you’re like the Greece version of THE K . Just constantly pushing , evolving the sport with your relentless ORIGINALITY and never ever , ever ending FREESTYLER series . Just as THE K has left his eternal mark on Flatland BMX……..YOU are leaving and setting in stone your very own mark , cheers hermano !
Cheers for your blessing words amigo…your comments make me feel that something im doin right on my bike cabrone…and yes freestyler series never ever ends…it continues with new ideas and more pationate than ever…gracias mi amigo,happy new year and lets ride harder in 2022 to progress further….ride on my brother!!
Got to meet him just one time – the only national contest I ever went to, Austin Masters in ’88.
I had heard about deathtrucks and was just fascinated with the concept, we pulled up to the parking lot and I immediately scoped out where Kevin was riding. After watching him ride for a little while and working up some courage, I sheepishly asked him if he would do a deathtruck.
“I’ll try, haven’t been hitting them today” or something of the sort. And yet, he rolled out and nailed it perfectly. I was floored – that was also the first time I had seen anyone do hang nothings without feathering the brakes.
Everything was so magical once he hit the scene – suddenly, flatland just exploded with possibilities, the old guard gave way to a new guard, and whatever other metaphors you want to use – but even with the huge progression going on right now with the young Japanese kids, nothing compares (or ever will again) to the monumental leap forward that flatland did at that time – from one rider! He saw possibilities that the rest of us hadn’t, and it’s amazing to think that over 30 years later, we’re still using his tricks and concepts as the blueprint for the whole sport.
Couldnt agree more with you Brandon about the impact that Kevin made to the scene…let alone in 1988!!Nowadays its normal to see a 10 year old japaneese kid killing on his 16 intches bike…and we will see more crazy riding by young bucks in the future…In 1988 i can only imagine the old guard,i like that metaphore,aka Moliterno,MCcoy,couldnt follow the revolution that brought the K with all the original stuff he did that era…its a do or not game.Whether you would follow Kevin or create your own tricks…thats it.Thank you too sir for your memories been shared with us here just like my brother Rodney did…lucky you 2!!Wish you both happy new year and IF Kevin watches…happy new year Big Daddy,long live the K…!!
These are the stories that I’m ALWAYS stoked to hear and searching for , Brandon ! This RULES ….I actually applaud you for chatting with / requesting a trick . I so wanted to say something like this…..however even to this day with riders who I look up …..I clam up , chicken out , haha….every word you typed was SPOT ON , man . Really enjoyed reading your entire comment , word for word . I’ll be in touch , campeon ! Also your comment REALLY rules ,especially after seeing your Insta post of YOU throwing down a long coasted death truck ! Just shows that one can master a dream trick with enough determination . Seems like most super difficult rolling positions , moves are your specialty , Mr. Woldridge ! ( PEDAL five Guru ! )
tks for sharing!
He did for flat what the beatles did for music.