From X Games alternate to X Games Gold, what a story for Kio Hayakawa who saved his best line for the final hitting a ridiculous blender 360 bike flip back to time machine ending with a downside foot jam decade out!
What a moment for Alex Jumelin winning his battles with Yohei Uchino and Moto Sasaki. Alex pulled his new 1080 nose manual to take a well earnt second place spot.
In third place, Moto Sasaki pulled one of the lines of the contest in his third place battle against Matthias Dandois, with a crazy hang 5 pivot to Xft crackpacker turbine into Xft backwards spinning crackpacker and ended with an amazing halfhiker pivot to opposite Xft halfpacker backwards hitch out.
That was intense! I will post a little repo tomorrow! Flatmatters at the X Games here in Japan, what a contest!!
1. Kio Hayakawa.
2. Alex Jumelin.
3. Moto Sasaki.
4. Matthias Dandois.
5. Terry Adams.
6. Viki Gomez.
7. Varo Hernandez.
8. Yohei Uchino.
Not surprised that the guy who wasn’t even on the initial line up dominated the field. Congrats to Kio!
Kio in the place he belongs…..Flatland justice right there in Japan.All my wishes and my words about all this for Kio came true….feel so happy and satisfied….Thank you Big E for your informations,happy Easter to everyone…
TIMES 7 , Giannis ! Did you watch the event ?! It’s on the X-Games You Tube channel . You’re going to REALLY dig Kio’s lines ! Also……….eagerly awaiting your FREESTYLER # 119 , my man ! THAT and this Chiba X-Games will really make my week !
Gracias amigo!!Havent seen anything yet,gonna check later…Freestyler #119 coming up next week my brother…will be worth the wait…haha!!
Hell YEEAHHH ! Can’t wait to peep game on FREESTYLER # 119 , G ! The whole contest is on the X-Games’s You Tube channel and duuuuuuude , it’s REALLY rad , bruv ! It was 90 seconds each / one on one battle format . Every rider was going for it AND being courteous with great sportsman ship . Cheering each other’s lines AS they were battling . Kio went FULL ON wild style , Giannis ! Blender 360 BIKE kick flip ……THEN kept the line going with even more insane signature transitions ! Kio had it sewed up like an Octopus making a sweater ( multiple arms ! ) , haha. What was crazy cool was that Matthias was NOT even nervous AT ALL . He was joking , laughing , fully having a fun time during the entire event . Totally freestyling his lines too . At one point amidst a long back wheel flow he lost speed and just milli-dabbed to push off the ground , finishing the line , making the line even longer ! It’s SLLLLLAMMMMED , Giannis ! Please check it out . I’m curious what you think about the entire event. Hell , bruv ………the whole contest is 1 hour and 17 minutes long. I was SO amped on this event that I wanted to do a combo for 1 hour and 17 minutes , also …..hahaha…..Jesus orchestrated me doing a combo for 1 hour and 29 minutes , today , haha ! This Chiba -X -Games has me STOKED !!!
This was SLLLLLAMMMMMED , TIMES 7 . I’ve gone through it a couple of times and am stoked on this entire hour and seventeen minutes of ChibaFlatland radness . The format was spot on ! Head to head ,quick battles that made this whole contest intense , gnarly and totally SEEEZZZZZED . Everyone going for their hammer lines , rolling their dice , even mixing it in with their normal session lines. The live stream video was/ is movie quality . All the rider’s rooting for each other DURING their one on one battles ruled , also. Doyle / Nau commentating was dope . I’m really stoked on this whole event . It turned out EXACTLY as rad as I thought it would . All riders busted out . Kio just went full on ham and cheese with VIDEO ender tricks ……that were LINKED together in ridiculous lines. Can’t thank you , Effraim , FLATMATTERSONLINE.COM , and Flatland as a whole , E.S.P.N. , the judges , sponsors , event organizers , EVERYONE involved. Flatland WON today , TIMES 7…….
Without having seen it I can imagine that Kio deserves it! By the way: Who decided which riders are invited? I wonder why Dub was not there.
Dub tested covid positive on arrival in Japan. Kio was his replacement
I meant can’t thank everyone ENOUGH for this ! Chiba X-Games =Flatland BMX ! Eagerly waiting for even MORE video , your updates Big-E , and ANY media coverage of this !
Thank you Rodney, its hard to keep you all updated but I’m trying.
Ha! Called it in a previous post there. Kio’s a beast and got what he deserves. One can only guess the time, effort, focus and dedication required to achieve what he’s doing. Hope he’s enjoying the moment to the fullest, dude totally deserves it. Couldn’t be more stoked for him! And as for the man, the Honorable Sir Big-E of Flatmatters, biggest of ups and hugest stack of props for the inside coverage. Thank you. Fully. Japan’s such a fascinating place. Maybe one day I’ll get to check it out, and even ride. What a cool place, and so fitting to bring back flat to the event. Hope the attention to surface detail maintains and more riders can attend in the future!
I second your entire comment , BZ ! TIMES 7 …….. —-A little practice footage and partial runs, shot from the nosebleed section it looks like. And of course, congrats to Kio on his win.