OG Marton from Hungary just dropped his Over 53 edit, and it’s a banging featuring recent footage and some golden footage from the 90’s including junkyard to double decade at the 3:26 mark that gave me a bunch throwback vibes from his early OG Gypsy videos. Definitely worth watching this one, one of the most skilled riders hands down.
Like fine wine! Rad!
Another over 50s ,Guru level rider . O.G. rules , TIMES 7. This cat , like the Hungarian Plywood Hood ,he has done it all on a bike . I was waiting for this edit ! For him to casually just lace that around the world . THAT shows his level of riding . I’m still watching his late 1996 Parade video section. ( Marton made me re-up on the rapper , Paris because of that video section . ) I love his depth on tricks/ variations/ lines. I love his effortless , yet aggressive riding style …….and I love that he’s still riding as hard as he did when he was SHREDDING Hero Square in the early 90s , Chicago position , Knee savers , bar spin /seat grab mega spins to exit lines………and of course that in front of bars whiplash to half packer in this edit…..BLEGH ! Junk yard to double decade …..BLEGH ! That I know of Marton and Brown , r.i.p. , the only one to do these ?? Such a sick move…
woOw that is tooooo good and tasteful!!! And surprisely kind of refreshing to me since there are no pumping or turbine in his rad riding style. Very impressive and more inspiring to see, again this year, how age seems to not prevent body shape and riding level. Much much respect!!!
Legendary beast! It’s one of those annual treats we’re lucky to get. Being able to see what others have been up to on their bikes all over the world. Marton never let’s us down. Thank you sir, and much respect. Looking forward to 54 any many more.