Round 3 of the AFA series went down this past weekend in Winston Salem, NC hosted by Bryan Huffman. Great to see decent turnout at what looks like an amazing event, thanks Todd Carter for sending in the results. Anyone have any video footage, please send it in. Congratulations to all the winners and respect to Bryan for putting this on along with the AFA crew…
Pro Class
1. Matt Wilhelm
2. Terry Adams
3. Mickey Gaidos
4. Austin Luberda
5. Art Thomason
6. Bobby Burge
7. Dax Wolford
8. JF Boulianne
9. James McGraw
10. Joe Cicman
11. Mannie Nogueira
12. Todd Carter
13. Dave Nourie
14. Cesar Rangel
15. Isaiah Jordan
16. Bryan Huffman
17. Keith King
18. Robert Victoria
Expert Class
1. Troy Hebert
2. Teak Gabriel
3. Trevor Waitring
4. Kevin Edwards
5. Tony Schneidewind
6. Matt Clark
7. Lee Mejia
8. Kelly Baldwin
9. Steve Lapsley
10. Alexis La Grassa
11. Luis Palmas
12. Kevin Washington
13. Sean Shuping
14. John “Stoops” Killip
Beginner Class
1. Dakota Ritchie
2. Reid Arendall
3. Bri Welch
4. Andy Pandemic
5. Jon Reyes
6. Monique Baldwin
Old’s Cool Class
1. Tony Abasolo
2. Justin Tate
3. Bert Williams
4. Lance Lyons
5. Paul Vail
6. Dan Hull
7. Paul Hahn
8. Matt Stoney
9. Paul Magallanes
10. John Ustaszewski
11. Todd Shoemaker
#huffJam 4 Ever —-there are videos on the AFA FB page. looks like some prejam stuff and 45+ mins of the pro class, and some expert runs too. pretty sure i saw scott powell in the prejam video, maybe he was judging (his name isn’t listed in the results).
First …..mad respect to mi amigo , Bobby Burge …..6th place in the lion’s den ( Pro class . ) Second….the same props to every rider in every class . I’ve watched pretty much everything that’s online from Huff Jam 2022. Everyone threw down , brought something to the table . Thank you , A.F.A and E for posting the results …..
Thanks for posting and thanks to the riders and sponsors who helped make the event a success!