Scott Hagnas?! Some of you may remember the name from the 90’s and specifically the Infection Videos. Scott had some unwanted time off his bike which he explains below, hit play for an amazing “flatland at 50 years old!”, so good! Here’s what Scott had to say:
“Here’s an edit I put together this fall, following my 50th birthday. I rode from 1982 to 2007 very consistently, but by 2008 my elbows were in chronic pain from riding, plus I started a family and my own business, so I entered into a period of semi-retirement from BMX. I still rode between 2008-2015, but only like once every two or three months. All the time off the bike didn’t help the elbows at all, and no doctor or therapist had the answer either.
As I own a training facility, I spent my time pursuing other physical goals like improving my movement ability, strength, and conditioning. I finally solved the riddle of my elbow pain in 2015 and re-dedicated myself to the bike in spring of 2016. I am so thankful to still have fun riding and learning new things. This edit is all of either things I learned new this year, or a new spin on something I did in the past. There are a few works in progress in here also, but I wanted to get it done and on to 2017!”
i have never seen a backwards scuffing Locomotive, so sick!!! love his boomerang variations too
Thanks, Jay. I decided to re-learn the backwards scuffing just for fun; hadn’t done it since the 90s. I have a few other positions to still re-learn.
Backwards Scuff Master If I remember correctly.
What was the riddle of the elbow problems?
The description doesn’t explain that.
i’m assuming the part where he says “I spent my time pursuing other physical goals like improving my movement ability, strength, and conditioning. I finally solved the riddle of my elbow pain” actually solves the riddle – i.e. he got more flexible & problem went away is how i read that… i could be wrong though
You are mostly correct. It appears that my nervous system kept my biceps, triceps, and forearm muscles chronically tight to protect the elbows. I spent years working on different methods of stretching and strengthening but with almost no improvement. (I got flexible most everywhere else at least…)
I actually found what helped me by accident – it was a very specific type of nerve stretch, then things began to release and relax. It improved right away, and after a few months, I no longer had any issues as long as I do a bit of daily maintenance work.
Awesome to see someone older than me riding 🙂 Rad stuff bro, keep it going.
Just turned 41 myself this year, and seeing riders my age and older that are still making efforts is very inspiring, especially since I’m dealing with a lot of physical ticks that have me wondering/worrying about how much longer I’ll have on my bike. Congrats on hitting that 50 mark and still ripping to this guy!
Thanks! I think it’s possible to keep going for quite a while. I don’t really feel any different on the bike than I used to. (I always had a slow style) Let’s see how long we can go!
Very inspiring riding and i liked the fact that you are trying to solve the elbow problem and its better,i hope it will be fine in the future and you progress a lot
Thank you! I think I will be fine going forward, looking to get after some trick ideas I’ve had in my head for a long time.
Lots of cool stuff in there. Digging the backwards scuff locomotive.
Thanks Rich!
All things considered, for me this is a must watch. It’s one my favourite edits so far this year. I’ve watched it 3 times already!!!
Very inspiring stuff!
that’s so sick!!! sick as a kickflip hitchhiker, I am so psyched right now!! mad respect Scott Hagnas!!
Thanks so much. I’ve honestly been humbled by the response, a lot more than I was expecting!
I am such a locomotive fan,and never seen the backwards scuff idea,and i been trying on and off kick flip hitches for years, and the cliff bar flip anklescuff thing ,so rad,everything about this video is RAD ,and im just 38,but been feeling kinda old lately with just other things and not being able to be on the bike as,much as I like,this gives me much motivation to stop feeling old,and to just keep on ,riding and not thinking im getting to that point of giving up
I, too, loved the backwards locomotive. You’re so right Scot about trying to ride while juggling the other aspects of life (i.e. aging, work, and health issues). I’ve been dealing with heart issues for some time, but have not yet completely stopped riding. My wife and child know that when I say I’m finished riding that only means until I can feel my legs again. Flatland is simply an addiction. Thanks for the video. It’s nice knowing there’s others like me.
Thanks, Reggie. Yeah, it’s different for sure when you get older. I always used to ride only if it was dry and if I had at least 90 minutes. Now, I’ll ride in a wet lot for as little as 15 minutes if that’s all I can spare. Keep on riding!