Awesome to watch this 1993 West Coast video back online, with the legendary Flatland Fugtives. Well worth a watch, for old school and new school heads.
Tag Archives: Edgar Placencia
Moreno Valley Contest: Bicycle Stunt Series 1994
Snakebite BMX ae on fire with quality updates from the archives, today we have the Bicycle Stunt Series contest in Moreno Valley CA 1994. Featuring Paul Osicka, Andrew Faris, Sean Peters,Leif Valin, Richi Rich, Day Smith, Sean McKinney, Edgar Placencia, Trevor Meyer, George Smoot, Dave Friemuth, Mel Cody, Dave Clymer, Mike Ocoboc, John Englebert, Mike Escamilla, Joe Rich, Taj Mihelich, Alex Reinche, Stephan Prantl, Rob Nolli, Dennis Mccoy, Jay Miron, Pat Denhe, Pat Miller, Jay Eggleston, Jimmy Walker, Rob Sigaty, John Parker.
20 Inch Video Magazine: Issue #1 / 1994
Snakebite BMX are on fire with great uploads from the archives, this week it’s time for Issue 1 of the 20 Inch Video Magazine that dropped back in 1994. Issue 1 features The Chicago BS contest, Dennis Mccoy Interview, Moreno Valley BS contest, Sean Mckinney interview, UK footage and a lot more. Tons of flatland to enjoy in this, worth sitting down with a cuppa to take this one in.
Wilkerson Airlines: Non Stop To San Francisco / 1994
The good folk over at Snakebite BMX uploaded this blast from the past last night, Wilkerson Airlines: Non Stop To San Francisco takes you back to how BMX videos used to be. Flatland amongst BMX, not just a sideshow. So much good riding threaded throughout the video in this one from the likes of Gabe Weed, Day Smith, Chad Degroot, Edgar Placencia, and many more.
*I will be logging full box videos under the “BMX Videos” tag on the sidebar for all those wishing to watch full videos!