Episode 7: How to Mega Spin

Welcome back to episode 7 of how to flatland, this episode I teach you how to mega spin. A back wheel trick invented by the one and only, Kevin Jones.

This trick I feel is all about your set up, and as you will see in the video. The importance of the balancing leg swinging into the direction you spin. If you stand on the peg with your left foot like me, your swinging leg will be your right foot. If you spin the opposite direction, vive versa.

Learn the swinging motion and to control the bike with one stiff, two scuff, three scuff as shown in the video. Once you have those dialled, then move on and try and add more scuffs, paying attention to the fact the more you scuff the faster the spin goes.

If you have a brake, the only time you really would even think about using it is on the rideout. But bear in my mind if you are spinning quickly and lock the brake, you will spin even faster. Thats another variation right there.


Focus on the swinging leg going into the spin.

Learn the 1,2,3 scuffing technique.

Learn to use your scuffing foot as straight as possible, this helps control the bike a lot more,

To ride out, slow the spin down and spot your pedals. I set up my pedals right foot forward so the pedal is easily reachable when it is time to ride out.

The mega spin is a fun one to learn, this trick is all about the entry to it and getting into the spin as quickly as possible.

Have learn learning this one, and let me know in the comments any problems you are having, or if this helped.

Enjoy flatland.