For this weeks Throwback Thursday, we go back to Props 2 and especially Shimersville Contest in Pennsylvania with a ton of great riding from the likes of Jesse Puente, Edgar Plascencia, Richard Zadzdyr (RIP), Paul Palmer (RIP), Leif Valin, Sean Peters, Val Naso, Bobby Fisher, plus a Brian Vowell Interview to follow.
That leif trick could be brought back really well nowadays.
RIP richard and paul.
Jay Miron – 3rd Place Pro Flat.
I remember seeing a pic of Jesse’s one handed foot on the bar circle K in BMX Plus and flipping out. Huge loss for flatland when Richard Z passed, followed by Palmer years later. RIP. Oh yeah, and like obscure mentioned, Miron in 3rd for pro flat at that comp was both weird and awesome… lol.
Jay was awesome on flat!! I remember him ripping it up at few sessions in HB BITD.
AGREED OBSCURE ! Jay RIPPED at FLAT ,just check out his section in the JINX video , VELVET TAXI , SMOOTHEST RIGHT CROSS / SINGLE-BLIND kick FIRE PINKS , mid line !!! R.I.P to Richard / Paul , these guys were WAAAAAAYY AHEAD of the game , RIDING wise , GRAVEYARD bmx products were WAAAAAAAAAAAAY AHEAD of the bmx PARTS game also , I’m STILL running O.G. bars TO THIS DAY !!!!!
AGREED ULTRAMAN ZOFFY !!! Seeing that pic of Jesse , THEN seeing the video STOKED me out , him SPINNING that Karl-foot on crossbar-ONE HANDED !!! Dude , his section in ELL BELLS Dope Ammo 665 and a half , not quite evil bmx video from 1991-92 STILL RIPS today , ELLS caught him in his ZONE during RAW footage in I think , PRACTICE before the finals !! WILD whiplash-FLOATING -freak squeak whip lines , TURBINE LEFT cross -INSIDE junkyard ROLLING lines, etc , etc !!! I WISH Jesse would COMBINE ALL his OLD/ NEW stuff TODAY !!! CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT that style would LOOK/ FLOW like ??????!!!!!!!!