MK Limited Edition Bootleg DVD Review

As the “Document, Share and Progress” movement continues to grow, it is very easy to forget the “new trick” clips, due to the sheer volume that are getting produced weekly, like or not we live in a very disposable culture, contest results are forgotten as quickly as the latest Martti Kuoppa clips are.
Without probably even realising it, I think with the introduction of the “MK Bootleg DVD” we may have just reached a new era in flatland, although this DVD is not available to everyone. (The DVD is free when riders buy the Junglerider frame in Japan I believe). The potential is there for all to see in the future as well as the physical DVD.
The flatland purist wants to re-watch these clips over and over easily, as I sat down with Martti at Fise watching the DVD for the first time, I had the sudden realisation that this is sustainable for the flatland audience, essentially the “Underground Mixtape”. It’s cheap, it requires a blank disc, and the clips are already there. Just the editing time required.
This is as pure as it gets, giving away a DVD for free is not for everyone. I’m sure everyone knows there is no money to be made in DVD.
Bootleg covers some of the best clips Martti has done during the last 2 years, it makes incredible viewing. Hammer after Hammer, some people I’ve heard even find this depressing, I see it as inspiring!
Trying to describe Martti’s progression during the last two years especially is a daunting task. Tricks appeared in such a spontaneous way, it was mindboggling, remember the steam kickflip jump through the frame to halfpacker for example? X handed brakeless decade? Mega spin half bar whip one-handed whopper? The list goes on and on, conveyor belt style. The last thing Martti is generic though!
Many of you will have watched in awe during this time period, and perhaps wondered, “What is he getting out of this?”, the answer aside from personal satisfaction and more recently guerrilla advertising for Junglerider, is nothing, I see it more as an artist showing his work and trying to inspire flatlanders worldwide. It’s very pure. Who else in flatland lands a trick, and then never does it again?
To document share and progress movement, is a very unselfish way to look at riding, its raw, tricks get lost on watered down filler edits. The good thing on the flipside with regard to the Bootleg DVD, is this short and sweet, just over ten minutes in viewing, it’s something you could pop in your DVD or laptop before you go riding, and fuel the fire for the session ahead. It’s kind of like Martti’s first junglerider album if you like. The next episode, might appear whenever, there is no schedule.
You may not get hold of this “Mk Bootleg DVD”, as there were only 45 made, but I have a feeling this is just the beginning.
Welcome to the future.

Happy Birthday Stephan Hearn!

Stephen Hearn – Create – Neon Media – 2006 from One Love BMX on Vimeo.

Thanks to Shayne Khajehnoori for sending in this treat of a section!

“To commemorate Stephen “Dirty” Hearn’s birthday today, I am posting Stephen’s video section from Neon Media’s “Create.” Stephen was 20 years old when he filmed this section, and it was all filmed in under one hour. Skills. Happy Birthday Dirty!”