It’s time for episode 30 of the Hang 5 Podcast, Francois sat down with the current female flatland world champion, French shredder Aude Cassagne. Currently residing in the famous wine town of Bordeaux.
While she started riding a long time ago, Aude had put her bike down while attending Med school. She is a doctor whose specialty consists of diagnosing potentially cancerous cells. In 2022, she picked up her bike and took the scene by storm. Winning the world championships in Abu Dhabi, getting on the Heresy team and winning the reader’s choice award for best female rider on Flatmatters. Here is her story:
So cool that she says that she can´t be world champ if the world isn´t represented. Truth.
Still though in my opinion the world champ at the moment.
Agreed, great interview!
Hello, I totally agree, very likeable. It is kind of funny that Alber Retey basically said the same when he became world champion in 1993. Somehow it is strange that 30 years after with all the internet connection we still have the same issue. I mean in 1993 many riders in the world really did not know about the world championship. This is different today, but many cannot afford or just don’t have the time to go there.
I also find it very interesting what Aude says about riding in a buble vs. the “responsibility” of any flatland rider to show flatland to the public somehow in order to attract new riders. I consider this to be an inherent problem because most riders prefer to ride alone or at least at a spot without many people showing up. I have a winter spot where I close the door and I am fully alone. I like this a lot. But of course I don’t help the sport like this…
Can’t wait to listen . Thank you , hang 5 podcast for another one ! I do remember Aude being outta the scene for a bit . So slammed that she’s a doctor on the front lines, fighting against cancer . This blows my mind how riders like her and Art Thomason ( N.A.S.A. ! ) have the most amazing , honorable 9 to 5 gigs……AND keep their riding levels high at the same time ! Max must be very proud , ( the best no -footed tea kettle , turbine lines ! ) as the rest of flatlanders are of Aude ….. World Champ with some of the most butter smooth Karl , pass to side packer and pedal steam lines , in the game …….mad respect to her , times 7…..