Brandon Fenton: BMX Banter Podcast

For many of us, winter is fast approaching and there is more time in the day to listen to podcasts and what not. With that being said, the latest episode of the BMX Banter podcast just dropped with Brandon Fenton.

I just got done listening to this episode this morning, great to hear Brandon’s story, his early riding stories, how he met Chase Gouin, filming eclips with Chase, moving to Toronto, an interesting conversation about where flatland is at and a whole lot more.

When you have the time, this is worth tuning in for

6 thoughts on “Brandon Fenton: BMX Banter Podcast

  1. Mr. Eclipse , himself ! This was a super rad listen , TIMES 7. I’ve always wanted to hear how Chase and him met and vibed with each, other pushing / motivating each other riding their bikes . Fenton is an incredible rider and has been for quite some time ( his brakeless edit on his Vimeo channel , EARLY 1990s !) There’s so many brakeless switches and transitions that he’s created . Add all the rolling , backwards rolling , tricks switch / regular on videos parts like Land Escape B , Unreal Part 4 , Millineum , etc,etc……this cat was one of the FIRST riders besides Gouin to show the lines , tricks that you REALLY need a brake for………done perfectly without one ! Hes a super humble cat and makes a great point about Flatland going into the future and where it’s at today . He’s well ” read ” in the sport / art form this podcast shows that . Thank you for the shout out ,also , Brandon ! Ever since watching video footage of Ron Wilkerson’s 2-Hip Burning Bike contest in late September of 1999 , Fenton RULING in practice and the contest, SLLLLAAAAAMMMING DOWN ( meaning going off on his bike. ) his progressive , years ahead of it’s time , riding style………I’ve been a massive fan of his . Mad respect to Dowker for hooking this up . BMX Banter is sick and thank you , E ! Another dope post…….how bout a RE-UP of his Eclipse section , Effraim ??! Fenton / Gouin’s riding ,that N.I.N. song= An edit that ALWAYS rad to watch , get motivated to ride to and vibe to, even after your riding session ! To-ya !! ( meaning , hell yes ! )

    • Rodney, you really know how to lift people up and make them feel good brother! Flatland is lucky to have you. Thanks for reminding me of that 2-Hip burning bike festival contest at Chenga back in the day. I do remember seeing some footage from back then but can’t seem to find it online anymore–got a link? I remember Ross Smith absolutely destroying it at that comp but he unfortunately injured his ankle before finals and couldn’t ride. He had some absolutely next level backwards rolling tricks he was doing that day.

  2. Great interview! Wise words and interesting thoughts in this conversation!
    It made me want to watch again the E-clips video… was so good, i had forgotten how hard and original some combos / switches were… crazy!
    E-clips is a nugget!
    Thank you Brandon and John for this interview!

  3. Yo Brandon
    You should write the philosophy of BMX & biking bro. That’s a whole artform/techne waiting to be given its proper philosophical voice by the right guy.

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