Repo: Effraim.
Photography: Effraim, Thaddeus Schau.
Videos: Brant Moore.

Bit late with getting this repo up on the site, after a very busy summer. I finally have some time for myself to return to riding and updating the site regularly. Hope you all enjoy this one!

As I boarded my first flight home from the FA Battleground contest, I planned to start writing a report on the event for the site. Then, over the tannoy, we were told that we were unable to land in Chicago because of a thunderstorm. Off to Indianapolis we went, to wait until we could land in Chicago. I thought to myself, was this trip all worth it? The flight home was already delayed by twenty-four hours, and now was going to be even longer.
The Battleground contest had a real family community vibe that we really need right now. As this event clashed with the Olympics, I thought to myself, what do we really need to help the sport grow? More events? More jams? Better communication between riders? What is it that holds us back?

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Brandon Fenton: BMX Banter Podcast

For many of us, winter is fast approaching and there is more time in the day to listen to podcasts and what not. With that being said, the latest episode of the BMX Banter podcast just dropped with Brandon Fenton.

I just got done listening to this episode this morning, great to hear Brandon’s story, his early riding stories, how he met Chase Gouin, filming eclips with Chase, moving to Toronto, an interesting conversation about where flatland is at and a whole lot more.

When you have the time, this is worth tuning in for

Review: Landscapes 2

Text: Effraim.

Like I said in my review of Landscapes 1 last year, DVD’s in the modern era are a sad rarity in our scene from my perspective, during the last two years you can count those on less than one hand. Dane Beardsley’s Same thing daily project and IGI’s travel video are all we have had. Stewart Munro from Australia stepped up to the plate with an ambitious project to collect and edit together rider sections from all the planet, when you think about that in the modern internet culture and free edits available everyday it almost seems like a thankless task.

Thankfully Stewart stuck to the task which being so far away from all the other riders is I can imagine a tough task to collate together. The downloadable video straight to your laptop is catching on in other sports such as Skateboarding, more recently massive companies such as Adidas are releasing their projects for a small fee online. Will it catch on to what is essentially a small flatland audience? Only time will tell…

Landscapes 2 starts with a nice intro describing verbally the feeling of flatland and what it’s all about “it is a mirror that shows each of us who we are”. There’s always a unwritten formula to making a DVD, banger section to start, middle and the all important who got the last section. Would this follow suit, 52 minutes long let’s get into this!

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Landscapes 2 Available to Buy Now!

“Landscapes 2” is a new full length video showcasing some of the best flatlanders from around the world. Featuring Bert Ribul,Brandon Fenton,Chad DeGroot,Hidenori Ishizaki,Koichi Forkone Higo,Paul Chamberlain,Raphael Chiquet,Shinichi Kiba,Takuji Izumi and Simon O’Brien.

Running Time – 52mins

Download it here:

Landscapes 2 Trailer!

Today we have an awesome exclusive on the site thanks to Stewart Munro! Stoked to showcase the trailer for “Landscapes 2” is a new full length video showcasing some of the best flatlanders from around the world. Featuring Bert Ribul,Brandon Fenton,Chad DeGroot,Hidenori Ishizaki,Koichi Forkone Higo,Paul Chamberlain,Raphael Chiquet,Shinichi Kiba,Takuji Izumi and Simon O’Brien. Enjoy and share!

Landscapes 2 coming soon…

Stewart Munro hit me up with some news on his latest video project, peep below for the rider list:

“Landscapes 2” is a new full length video showcasing some of the best flatlanders from around the world. Featuring Bert Ribul,Brandon Fenton,Chad DeGroot,Hidenori Ishizaki,Koichi Forkone Higo,Paul Chamberlain,Raphael Chiquet,Shinichi Kiba,Takuji Izumi and Simon O’Brien.

Throwback Thursdays – inTRIKat Land Escape: B (United Soil)

For this week’s Throwback I go back to 2003 and this amazing inTRIKat Land Escape: B (United Soil) segment that features Aaron Frost, Pete Brandt, Ed Nassbaum, Brandon Fenton, Stephan Cerra, Viki Gomez, Martti Kuoppa, and Simon O’Brien! This is still to this day, so good. Don’t sleep on this!

Lookback: October – The 2016 Flatmattersonline Year End Awards

We start the month of October with an amazing edit!!!
It feels like I have given out the Must Watch tag a lot recently, it’s already been quite a week for progressive edits and today Joe Cicman’s new Curriculum Vitae 2016 certainly lives up to the hype he’s thrown at it! Curriculum Vitae 2016 documents Joe’s progressive journey as he has pushed his riding month to month working on new ideas for the Master of Creativity confine contest.
The edit really builds from June, and the format quickly going month to month really makes this easy on the eye! Joe has really pushed the Jaffa Whip concept to new levels and the banger what Joe is calling the “Terradoom” at 2:17: a no handed crackpacker no handed jump to no handed backyard is absolutely bonkers and ballsy to say the least! I will stick my neck out and say that is one of the moves of the year so far! This left me wanting more, as all great edits do. Thank you Joe you just pushed flatland up a few notches!

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Landscapes Review

Review: Effraim.

DVD’s in the modern era are a sad rarity in our scene from my perspective, during the last two years you can count those on less than one hand. Dane Beardsley’s Same thing daily project and IGI’s travel video are all we have had. Stewart Munro from Australia stepped up to the plate with an ambitious project to collect and edit together rider sections from all the planet, when you think about that in the modern internet culture and free edits available everyday it almost seems like a thankless task.


Thankfully Stewart stuck to the task which being so far away from all the other riders is I can imagine a tough task to collate together. The downloadable video straight to your laptop is catching on in other sports such as Skateboarding, more recently massive companies such as Adidas are releasing their projects for a small fee online. Will it catch on to what is essentially a small flatland audience? Only time will tell…

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