Stewart Munro hit me up with some news on his latest video project, peep below for the rider list:
“Landscapes 2” is a new full length video showcasing some of the best flatlanders from around the world. Featuring Bert Ribul,Brandon Fenton,Chad DeGroot,Hidenori Ishizaki,Koichi Forkone Higo,Paul Chamberlain,Raphael Chiquet,Shinichi Kiba,Takuji Izumi and Simon O’Brien.
Can’t wait!
I’ve had some troubles this year with a neck problem and general pressures of life. I still might need surgery, but it’s a last resort. I asked Stew to take me out of this because I knew I couldn’t really get it done because I wasn’t riding much. However, Stew wanted to keep me in and he found some old footage and made it work. I’m really glad he did because it’s motivated me to keep going. I’ve had a few dark moments this year, but there’s no light without darkness as they say. Thanks Stew, im looking forward to seeing the end product.
I hear you Paul, I had to push through and battle with tendinosis of the right hamstring this entire summer and it didn’t allow me to do everything that I wanted to. Still, working on it was a great motivation and thanks to Stew for the push. Looking forward to seeing it!
Prayers going UP for you Paul , wishing you good health , NO pain , AND to be BACK to RIPPING your RAD / ORIGINAL / TECHNICAL combos that made Land Escapes SUCH a treat for me to watch SEVERAL times OVER !!! I’m STOKED for PART 2 of THIS , but Id be even MORE stoked for your neck pain to CEASE , and you get back to your SIGNATURE style that I LOVE to watch / get MOTIVATED to session / ANALYZE all the DETAIL throughout your combos !!! LOVE YA mate !!!!!!!!! THANKS Stew , REALLY EXICTED about this project , ALSO with MR. ECLIPSE Fenton showcased AGAIN , THIS FILM is a WIN-WIN for me !!!!!!! SLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMED !!!!!!!
Thanks brother!
Thanks Rodney! May we session together someday!
Youre VERY welcome MR.ELCIPSE Fenton , THAT would be a TRUE honor / treat for me -TIMES 7 !!!!!