What a day helping judge the UrbanRuralRide contest. We just got done with the event for today. Check out all the results below.
Bruno Zebu qualified first in the pro class, high level of riding and great vibes here in France! finishing the day with a fun best trick contest, such a good day! Props to Joris and Marion for this amazing event, loads of new faces, and smiling faces. It’s been great to be back at a live event.
Finals tomorrow!

Thank you for this update , Effraim . I was curious about the results and am even more eager to see video of the entire event . Bruno is mad tech and floats pivots , positions like that movie called The last water bender , haha…..Drazil reminds me of Justin Miller . I.e. , HAMMER switches throughout his links . Kevin , love his bottom bracket stance nose manuals . ( so many nose manual , stem-lash variations . ) Stoked to see Bulhon back in the mix , rad rider for sure . Moya ……killer originality with Matrix level , real time rolling positions that I’m sure are talked about in York P.A. . ( THE mecca of Flatland. ) Joris , I’m sure just slaying his back wheel like @ B.I.T.R. ………720 Cab by Keiryo ?! Talk about a Flat ” stunt ” Land riding ……a local legend street rider here in San Antonio , Ian Mueller . I’ve seen him do 540 Cabs and it is GNARLY fully going for it , locked in . So a 720 is just mad , TIMES 7……….
Bo ” wooden spoon ” Wade in familiar territory at the back of the pack
Bo ” wooden spoon ” Wade in familiar territory at the back of the pack