Brazilian style cats, Ederson Ferreira and William Do Prado just came through with a fresh one session edit. Nice mix in riding styles to get you hyped for today’s session.
Brazilian style cats, Ederson Ferreira and William Do Prado just came through with a fresh one session edit. Nice mix in riding styles to get you hyped for today’s session.
Having been peep gaming Ederson’s beautiful back wheel flow for 2 years ( now ( his seat stance spinning rocket combos are just too cool , and he has bike flips in his sleep , haha . ) and just finding out about William’s riding ( Peguary / I.G.I. online event . ) I must say I’m STOKED on this new edit . William , with his long , flowing pivot links ( love that , reminds me of Frost ! ) and the way he combos up front to back wheel flow is SUPERB . I’ve always admired rolling ” around the world ” pivots , butter slips , linked up , just rolling around the spot ! So bad ass ! Ederson just has that graceful , silky back wheel flow that just so great to watch WITH some hard , technical , transitions as he’s flowing . AGGRO choice , Effraim ! Loving this edit ….thank you for busting out , William and Ederson ! SLLLAMMMED stuff , indeed ……….
So much skill.